Sometimes Things Just Go Missing

A few days ago I was going through my Son of Sam files when I opened this one just to see what it said: 

Chances are, someone posted it to one of the Maury Terry Facebook groups and I saved it out of caution because sometimes things just go missing. If this is your file, feel free to take credit in the comments. 

Back to the matter at hand, the headline immediately sounded awfully familiar. 


With that, I reached for my copy of Paul Agostino's spellbinding true crime memoir and started flipping through it. 

On page 221, Paul transcribes an article titled "CARRS QUICK TO DEFEND TALK OF LOCAL POLICE".

***Special thanks to Echocat for helping me confirm that this headline does not exist outside of Paul’s book.***

And it continues on the following page. 

As you can see, aside from the headline, they're pretty much the same article. 

And now allow me to point out what didn’t make it to Paul’s book: 

How about that! And what’s more, it has a ring of truth to it, doesn’t it. 

Now why do you suppose Paul Agostino left that part out? An “honest dealer” would have included the whole thing and let the reader make up their own mind. 

To be continued…


  1. This is great stuff maybe next you can do the same to the ultimate evil. Why did Maury not publish David’s apartment letters in full or selectively edit police reports, Why did he create the Wheaties nickname. If you’re not too busy at the deep fryer salting the fries, address that next, dummy.

    1. Typical. I keep waiting for a point-by-point rebuttal. Hell, I’d settle for a single-point rebuttal!

    2. By the way, use your real name you stupid bitch.

    3. OP has valid points. Why dedicate a blog to Grossman and The Journal but ignore the massive intentional holes and flaws in Terry’s book?

    4. I don’t answer for Maury, so tell me where I’m wrong.

      You can’t. Because I’m not.


    6. You'll be waiting until Kingdom Come, Nathan...he's forever gutless. I mean, look, I barely pressed him last month on X and he folded up shop and quit. He's a coward.

      So supposedly now Maury made up "Wheaties"? Ay Caramba. Who came up with that gag, his old friend WHEATIES! BERKIE! SHOOT EM! STAB EM!?? Or Hector?


    7. I guess Maury wrote the Breslin letter. Again. Remember when Manny tried to float that theory with a straight face?

    8. You really are Maurons. Created the Wheaties nickname for John Carr. No one called him Wheaties Yet you dumb fucks never mention that because youre too busy creaming over Maury’s book full of bullshit.

    9. Unless John Carr wrote the Breslin letter, which I’m willing to consider thanks to Neo.

      I have started to see similarities between the two SoS letters, which are found nowhere in David’s writings. Sure, there is some “bLoCk LeTtErInG” in David’s notes, but he switches back and forth between capital and lowercase a lot, which the writer of the two SoS letters manages to avoid.

      David also consistently misspells certain words, which the SoS author never had a problem with.

      Anyway. You sound like you’re ready to stroke out. GOOD!! Not soon enough lol.

    10. Btw, anyone is free to disagree with Maury all they like. But my analysis of Manny and Neo’s wack-ass troll nonsense still stands. Better luck with the movie!

    11. So as well as being the dumbest fry boy in the Midwest you’re also blind. Continue hating on manny you make him right every time you hit the publish button. Have a stroke on that.

    12. Yeah, lol, keep getting SERVED by a burger-flipper.

    13. Yo theres a phrase for when you half-ass a job like a lazy piece of shit. “Close enough for city work”.

      That should be the name of Little Paulie’s book. 😆

    14. Diary of a Jabroni

  2. Wheat Carr is on the record on the DA tapes saying she teased her brother John about Wheaties, specifically saying when he ate it, he was cannibalizing himself.

    Yeah. It was his nickname.

    1. I went back and listened to her tape this morning. She did say that when John said he liked Wheaties cereal, that to her he was being “cannibalistic” (36:55)

      If no one was nicknamed “Wheaties”, that is an odd remark. He was “JC”, she was “Mickie”.

      She said she couldn’t confirm the “Wheaties” nickname, but went on to say maybe some sick person called him that. This, to me, leaves the door wide open.

      What if “Berkie” was the only one who called him that?

      I always felt that the “Wheaties” clue and others in the Breslin letter were meant to bring the authorities right to the Carr household door so that they could begin the process of controlling the narrative.

    2. @WheatiesAnon

      And thank you for bringing us back around to the case.

      I hope Neo and his pals got their jollies because I’m not going to approve any more of their retarded comments. We get it, they just want to provide a distraction. Well they can go suck on Wheat’s seat cushion because enough is enough.

    3. @Nathan

      No problem :) Exactly what I thought with the DA tape.

      You don't joke your brother is cannibalizing himself when he eats "Wheaties" unless he is somehow associated with it, ya know? Eating yourself? She can't keep her shit straight and you'll notice if you read her closely or listen to her closely.

      As Jerry Seinfeld said to a heckler during one of his love stand up routines, "Could you please get back to your McDonald's job, frying fries? Do I bother you when you are flipping burgers?" When the heckler told him he didn't work there, his reply was, "Don't lie. We all see the ring cap around your head!".

      Morale of the story? Don't quit your day jobs, pay attention to details, and quit kissing Wheat Carr's ass.

      And can Manny get back to doing what he does best? Raking yards?

    4. @Nathan

      Recommendation? If you are going to continue to engage with these peckerwoods, you need to start reading up on narcissistic personality disorder.

      Start with narcissistic rage.

      Narcissistic personality disorder is a component of psychopathy, sociopathy, and borderline personality disorder. But it can also stand alone.

      Their behavior is pathetic. It is better to disengage with narcissists once they start behaving this way, because their next go to tactic is gaslighting.

      But, if you want to continue to engage with them, you'll need to know how to effectively deal with them. This means burying your head in books on the disorder.

    5. Thank you very much, NPD anon.

      Honestly I’ve only got maybe one or two more posts, not necessarily about the book but using it as a springboard. I had planned on really dragging it out, but I think everyone gets it; Nathan no like trash book lol.

  3. @nathan

    I have a new blog idea for you.

    Go to Manny's community link on YouTube. He has posted one of David Berkowitz’s recent journals and it letting out a big girlie cry saying the journal is about him and he feels mildly intimidated.

    Exaggerate much? Berkowitz ended the journal with saying he prays for those that hate him. . .

    Sounds like he needs to include an offense prayer to God asking for Manny's reading skills to be bumped up from the 2nd grade to college level reading.

    1. David writes, “yet at the same time, these trials and spiritual battles have allowed me to see how much more I need to know about my adversary, the devil.”

      Well, tbh, I can see why ol “tribal tattoo” got spooked lmao. 😜

    2. @Nathan

      Who thinks prayers are mildly intimidating?

      Could it be Satan?

      [the Church Lady purses her lips]

      I guess girly man is doing the best he can to make himself look victimized and to increase his likes from 12 to 13.

    3. That little half a fanook would get intimidated if you stared at him intently...he's a punk.

      During our exchange on Twitter a while back, he was posturing about how I was a nobody and he wasn't scared of anyone, least of all a nobody like me. I told him I had zero interest in scaring goal is to expose him for what he really is. And if I did have a desire to scare him, all I'd need do is place one phone call to Brooklyn, and he'd have a knock at his door within hours.

      Less than an hour later, he deleted his entire Twitter.

      He's a coward. If he doesn't have one of his geriatric cop buddies or Toto by his side, he's a scared little girl.


    4. @Nathan

      Here is the deal. If what David Berkowitz wrote in the journal was remotely threatening, even mildly, the Department of Corrections would have flagged the correspondence. These journal entries get passed on through electronic communication or US mail.

      Again, prayers are not threatening. Neither is a metaphorical bible story about the fight between good and evil.

      Hasn't Manny argued David Berkowitz really hasn't converted and is faking it? Yet now he is boo hooing because possibly David Berkowitz has a two line communication going on with God and Jesus? And he is worried about his offense prayers, his Christian war whoop through Arise and Shine? Come on!

      What exactly does Manny think is going to happen to him? Please logically explain your way out of this one, Manny. Is the 71-year old who donates bibles, thumps away on his typewriter or tablet all day, and ministers to other inmates and the Christian community that threatening? Stop projecting, Manny. Not everyone wishes I'll on others like you. You know, like when you said David Berkowitz falling from stress, hitting his head, and spending a week in the infirmary was karma for Savino, a crime that has not been tried in the criminal justice system.

      If you think he is this much of a threat, you have bigger problems than the journal entry, Manny.

    5. @Nathan

      I'd like to request a group prayer, please.

      Dear 6 lb 7 oz baby Jesus, Manny Grossman is not a nice person. He fights with people the vast majority of the time, tells whoopers, has a spy that could double for Satan, and has a generally poorly scripted podcast. Could you do us all a solid and make sure he gets no more than 11 views for 2 years? And when this happens, put it in his heart to give back all his studio equipment to Paul "Walnuts" Agostino. Amen.

      Does your wittle bittie ego feel milding threatened now, Manny?

    6. @Nathan

      On behalf of all the brothers and sisters in the multiple shooter research community, I'd like to give a big Hi there and Hello to Manny Grossman. And, part of the welcome, I'm hoping Nathan Ward can give today's blessing.

    7. Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that Manny gets over his irrational fear of people praying for him.

      If it be Thy will, may he one day find peace in is heart and a reasonable purpose in life.

      And thank You for answering my prayer that Maxi find a suitable, loving home.

      In Jesus' name, Amen.

    8. David placed clarification on his journal entry:

      And, it has nothing to do with Manny. Some people just don't understand Christianity and the nature of praying. But he'll probably scream loud and hard anyhow that it was updated because of him. Because Manny craves attention.


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