Paul Despises Liars and Butchers His Treasured “Lost” Report

Before we begin, I'd like to address the "serious character assassination" directed at yours truly from behind the scenes. 

I expect nothing less from a pack of burn-outs and a homewrecker. Fuck. You. I could be the worst son of a bitch since Jesse James and it wouldn't change a thing. Let it go.

Anyway. In his memoir, The Untold Truth, Paul Agostino informs us on page 280:

"I don't like liars, I despise them."

Fair enough. 

A few pages later (285) the name Wheat Carr appears in bold letters. This is in Neo's interpretation of Wheat's interview with Herbert Leifer, Assistant District Attorney for the Queens County DA's office in 1979. I'm well familiar with this interview having listened to it at least a dozen times since it was released on The People Vs. David Berkowitz site. And frankly neither you nor I need Neo's version. I just gave the link, scroll down, look for the following and listen for yourself:


And then I double-checked the rest of the chapter.

Nann Cassara interview, Tommy Zaino interview (btw, can anyone confirm he was shot at following the Moskowitz attack?), Maury Terry...wait, no Carr family interview? That hadn’t occurred to me before.

But if you're trying to exonerate the Carr family, then why skip over their interview? 

I bet I know why.  

(scroll to the bottom of the page)
ADA Herbert Leifer's first question to Wheat Carr was whether she had spoken to anyone in North Dakota since October 5th. She corrected him with October 12th and said she had not. 

Unfortunately for Wheat, Linda O'Connor had previously stated to a representative in North Dakota that she had spoken to Wheat as recently as the previous Wednesday. You can hear Herb Leifer make this very clear.

Later in the interview, we hear this exchange:

Herb Leifer: We were told that at one time while you were working for the police department in Yonkers, you had made a request for 1,000 rounds of reloads.

Wheat Carr: What?!

Let's stop right there. This is not a question out of left field considering her previous admission to Herb Leifer that, "I shoot...I know the difference between a gunshot and a firecracker".

And it appears Herb Leifer was referencing this memo:


HL: For ammunition for .44 caliber, .38 caliber, .357 magnum, and .22 caliber. 

WC: .44 caliber?

HL: Yeah.

WC: That's someone's imagination working overtime...I may have asked somebody about the price of reloads...but never .44's and I had no use for them.

Is this a he said/she said? Maybe, but why get weird the moment ADA Leifer brought up reloads alone? Especially if you shoot and have told Leifer you shoot. Let's keep going. 

This is unfortunate. Because in the tape Paul used to help vindicate Wheat in his book, we find this little admission:

(34:02) "...I shoot, okay? I own guns. I have a .22, I have a .25, I have a .357 magnum...I know the difference between a gunshot and a firecracker..."

Back to the Carr family interview. At one point they feel it necessary to clear something up with the aid of their attorney. 

So she did mention the guns she owned despite protesting vociferously. She did call Linda despite denying it (and God only knows what was said to Linda). Why turn this interview into an embarrassing mess?

Now does this implicate Wheat in any way? Of course not. But one could interpret her words and actions as highly evasive and deceptive. 

Couldn't find any photos of John Carr standing? Only tiny snapshots? With a fucking photographer in the family? One sample of John's handwriting? Someone you were so close to it made boyfriends jealous?

From the reviews I've read and complaints about this blog coming in, we're supposed to take every word of this book as gospel truth because Paul bravely walked the streets of his own city and called people he's known his whole life. Apparently he never thought anyone would double-check this shit and call it out for what it is. 

Now onto the legendary Serlack/Cerasi report, the literal “untold truth” part of the book’s title. 

BTW, where is this thing? The book has been out since July 13, 2024. Is the original report online anywhere? 

Page 189:

"After reading these reports, nothing was ever the same again. These were the first Yonkers Police Department reports the public had ever seen since Berkowitz's arrest[...]Some incidents were missing, so I added everything that was necessary, and corrected all minor mistakes. Here it goes, the turning point in this investigation...the untold truth."

The original Serlack/Cerasi "reports" is made up of nine pages of key dates and a half page of inventory- weapons recovered from David's possession on the day of his arrest. It also appears to be missing a page because the Lupo/Placido attack has been cut in half in the copy I was given. 

There are roughly 41 dated entries in the original report. 

In Paul's version, there are 63.

For such an important document, why fool with it? Correcting spelling errors is one thing, but this is basically a whole new report. 

Need I say what would have happened if Maury Terry or any given “Terry Head” pulled a stunt like that?

Not to mention, the David Berkowitz letters he received in the "lost Yonkers files" (pfft lol) are all reproduced faithfully.

I have not gone in and carefully double-checked every entry, however I could not help but notice that one date in particular was left out.

On page 204, between entries for Aug. 17 and Sept. 1, 1977, the above should be present. 

As I mentioned previously, the Sept. 1, 1977 entry was added by Paul. 

The missing Moskowitz lawsuit, as well as one filed by Robert Violante, is addressed later on page 221. Paul says he came across them in a newspaper article. According to the report, the two parties were separately suing Yonkers for negligence. 

To no one's surprise, "I don't hold the YPD at fault at all," says Neo.

But why Paul left August 23rd out just to describe the circumstances later is kind of puzzling. Did he set it up to knock it down in one shot? Frankly I don't think it even matters in the end. He pulled a fast one, plain and simple, he rewrote his prized possession and tries to pass it off as the right thing to do.

Any mention of the Netos being harassed before Berkowitz moved to Yonkers is absent from Paul's Serlack/Cerasi 2.0, but Paul thinks he has a good reason not to blame either Berkowitz or John "short eyes" Carr. 

And it's a real mess. 

To be continued…



  1. Interesting that Wheat communicated with unnamed people in North Dakota on October 12th of all days. That’s what’s known as “Crowleymas” or the birthday anniversary celebration that only satanoid worshippers of Crowley celebrate.

    — D2D

    1. Funny enough, that was her brother John’s birthday too.

      Tell me that wouldn’t have an effect on a guy who kept a list of demons in his billfold, according to a friend who knew him. But I digress.

      If the call was above board, why act like it didn’t happen?

    2. What friend said he kept names of demons with his billfold? Do you have a source.

    3. Absolutely correct, I saw less arrogant and evasive answering during the Iran/Contra hearings. Cheers, I thought that was her brother's birth day but couldn't fully recall.

      — D2D

    4. @IA it was Phil Falcon. And to be honest, I'm assuming he kept it in his wallet, so my bad. Phil said it was on a loose-leaf sheet.

  2. Good point on the lack of photos and hand writing samples. You know he wrote from the military and even no pictures from childhood. Odd very odd. Unless they don’t show up in pictures ! 😀

  3. Re: Shots fired at Zaino...I've been told by two different NYPD officers, one in the early 1990s and one last year, that Zaino's auto supply shop/garage got fired upon, but that no connection to SoS could ever be established precisely because of who Zaino was associated with in his day-to-day activities. They couldn't rule out that it may have been Family related, as a couple indiscretions had been committed that could have gotten him shot at, aside from being a SoS witness.

    1. Thank you.

      Any indication as to when the shots were fired?


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