
If these two were genuinely convinced that they solved the Savino case, they wouldn't be sitting there throwing themselves a pity party. Sad!


  1. I was reading a recent article on Savino's spouse. It stated he was a prior NYPD detective, owned an insurance agency, and owned a detective agency. He was running for office and ran the Republican party. They took seperate cars to the restaurant. The shooter identified at the time was Messino, an extensive criminal history, who was wearing a leather jacket and found dead at roughly 4:30 am. He lived at 1910 Pelham Parkway, close to Pelham Bay.

    First, why did the NYPD not actively investigate if it was a contract killing? It certainly looked like one. The husband taking a seperate car is questionable, too.

    As an investigator, it would have been prudent to eliminate the spouse as a suspect behind a potential contract. Their financials should have been obtained, because he was obviously seeking political donations. Was any of their own money being used?

    Was he investigating anything questionable that could have placed his wife at risk? Was there an insurance policy on her?

    And, there was activity in the Pelham Bay area. Was Messina part of the cult , gang, group, however you want to label them? I question that should have been raised later.

    And did David Berkowitz ever own a leather jacket? Did she report the assailant as wearing a leather jacket or was this just found on Messina when they found him shot dead?

    Is the police report on Messina and his autopsy available yet? What caliber of gun was he shot with?

    1. All excellent questions and just goes to show not everyone takes Manny at his word. And for good reason!

      Allegedly, Berkowitz once borrowed a black leather jacket BEFORE going into the Army. Now what are the chances that damn thing would either still be around or even FIT once he got back home?

      I haven't seen any files and even if they did upload any I seriously doubt we'd get all of them.

      The separate cars thing has bothered me from the start, but just the story itself as told by Grossman and Savino has more holes than a firing range.

    2. @Nathan

      So he borrowed a jacket around 71 or before when he was at his goal weight.

      Then he enters the US Army for about 3 years. Presuming he doesn't give the coat leant back. I guess we just figured out why he had few friends and was a loner, right?

      Obviously, didn't take the coat to LA for training while muddying around in swamps. And I'm thinking he didn't wear it in Korea either. Temperature alert.

      So, he comes home, gains a good 30 to 50 lbs due to no longer actively being in the military, suffering from major depression, and eating more. And he still fits into the jackets he bogarted from his friend who leant him the jacket a good 5 years prior?

      Hasn't Manny argued he was a loner with poor social skills? Do you know how good of a friend you have to be to get a jacket, leather, leant to you for even 24 hours? Come on, let's reason this one out.

      And, if you argue he has a habit of borrowing leather jackets, we'll, that demonstrates he had some close friends, right?

      I know few people who lend out clothing to friends unless they implicitly trust them and are close. Even then there is risk. I leant one of my best friends in high school my Guess jeans only to have the hussy keep them for two months, wear them and wash them constantly, and wore them out. They were unwearable by the time I got them back. I wanted to slap the f outta her.

      I digress.

      But I think I made my point.

      So I see Grossman did a leather jacket podcasts. Good way to raise his views and subscribers 🙌 Bravo, Manny for such enlightening podcasts that have risen you to "stardom" yet tanked your YouTube views! What a shrewd businessman.

  2. I don’t have the article - or remember who told me but was her husband ever arrested for being involved with a stolen car ring? Just because someone was once NYPD does not make him have clean hands! ✌️ Leash

    1. @leash A short reply. Maybe makes him less likely to have clean ✋️'s


  3. @Nathan

    I think there are some serious questions to ask about the news report, the NYPD canvasing the area and supposedly coming up dry, and Savino stating there was no one else in the parking lot around.

    1) If there was no one else in the parking lot around when she entered here vehicle, it does not imply that people did not pull into the parking lot at the time she was shot. Obviously, she suffered traumatic injuries and likely would not have been actively scanning her environment, nor would she would have had the ability to do it. News flash: people drive in and out of parking lots, streets. People have legs, move. It doesn't mean that people could not have entered the area or the parking lot without Sovino seeing them, unless someone is implying she has eyes all around her head, was rotating her head in a 360 fashion during the entire event, etc.

    2) If the newspaper article that published the article stating there were witnesses is false, where did they obtain their information? This would be ground zero for the supposed misinformation or disinformation. The paper would have received it from a source and the paper doubtfully just made it up. Newspapers work closely with law enforcement and other agencies, so I find it suspect they would just pull this account out of thin air. If they received a tip, it should have been verified with the NYPD. If the article was incorrect at the time, the NYPD should have contacted the paper and a retraction or correction should have been made. Why were these actions not taken?

    3) I hate to even say this, but just because the NYPD is now saying they canvased the area for witnesses now and came up dry does not make it true. There is no guarantee the documents released contain all the documents. And, law enforcement, including the FBI, has a documented record of squashing witness accounts. One clear example I can think of was the 9/11 bomber that they painted as an Islamic extremist, yet he was dating a woman with a pink mohawk, booozing it up at bars, spending extravagant money on gambling, alcohol, strippers. Everything about him was non-extremist and his way of living suggested covert government connections. For weeks following the bombings, the FBI routinely approached witnesses and intimidated them to keep them from openly talking to the press.

  4. I never saw a detective say "No", "no one", "nothing", and "none" and claim a case was solved until now. Brilliant work, Colombo!

  5. It appears he served time in prison for illegal gun possession and tax evasion. I'd like to know why they were looking into his financials.

    I looked up if he was involved in a car ring. I think it is another Savino with the NYPD. 1971. Too young. But maybe they are related?


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