This Post is About That Time Manny Had an Email Exchange with a Comic Book Character

Mr. Grossman is certainly free to produce one video after another in rapid succession where he casually repeats himself over and over. It's even up to him if he wants to borrow ideas from others

But here, as the saying goes, "the beatings will continue until morale improves".


(32:14) “I emailed this guy Ken McNaughton who, this is, I emailed him a couple of weeks ago and he wrote back within a minute. He was like, 'yo'. He's an old man now, he’s, he's an actor, he was in a couple of things here and there, he was like, ‘I was never at Untermyer, Maury Terry was garbage, guy was ridiculous,’ and that's usually the answer you get when you actually speak to people who Maury Terry brought into this.”

Lest anyone forgets, Ken was one of those fictional comic book characters Tony Roach met at Untermyer Park.

Yet what I'm interested in is the way in which Mr. Grossman recounts his exchange with Ken (above) - versus the "receipts", as they say, which he later produced (below). 

My guess is, "I agree with your conclusion," for Manny, translates to, "just say whatever you want, dispense with accuracy altogether, true crime prince." 

And this is just a guess. Only Manny really knows why he put words in Jimmy Olsen's mouth. 


I need to make a clarification. 

I pride myself on "correcting the record without resorting to name-calling," but I did ignore my own self-righteous declaration a few posts ago and post a meme of Maury Terry ironically quoting Manny's Rudy Ray Moore .gif. 

And I'm not sorry. But I will make more of an effort to live up to my own standards, unlike someone we can all name.


Friends, enemies, lurkers, we are back to correcting the record without resorting to name-calling, exaggeration, or dirty tricks! 

Please, subscribe, share, and discuss.

And remember...


Post Script:

Whatever happened to Manny's BIG PLANS for 2024?  

Was it something I said?


  1. Didn't rottingjewels show she identified McNaughton & Manny posted those the next day? She also pointed out how he named them as if they were 2 people from the 22 Disciples of Hell, when he probably knew Dominic was his church name.

    1. If my memory serves me, I believe you are correct!

  2. Yep! Very next day. Actually hours later. I believe the time showed up on his email he posted and then took down. For some reason 8 hours latter is in my head. I posted about it on twitter when it happened and of course got blocked! It was more proof he steals others work.

    1. The speed with which he was able to summon Mr. McNaughton should raise eyebrows.

      And let us not forget: here is a man, Manny Grossman, who has accused Mr. Maury Terry of some of the most wretched, yellow, journalistic misdeeds imaginable and yet he, Manny, has no qualms about misreporting a simple email exchange.

  3. It was comical. Everyone noticed.


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