More Teachable Moments from The Manny Grossman Show's Freund Series

I see that the "famous Brooklyn Series" is still online and available despite being infested with errors both large and small. Pity. So much for being an "honest dealer".


Seven minutes and thirty seconds into "The Shooting of Christine Freund-Episode Two" we find ourselves in a real quandary over spruce trees, as one does.

Manny: "And of course there's a spruce for everybody. Yeah, Maury Terry said there was no spruce."

"This is literally a spruce right here, it's ridiculous."

John: "Yeah, we, we put that myth, uh, to bed in a hurry."

Manny: "Totally."

John: "You know, there are always trees."

Well said, Mr. Catalano. 

So what makes a spruce tree so special in this instance?

From The Ultimate Evil, page 430 in the '99 edition, 443 in the 2021 version:

Is this true? Is it true that there were not any trees, not there?

Fortunately, for reference, we have these stills courtesy of the Manny Grossman Show and we are able to see for ourselves if there was a tree at the location of the shooting or not.

And don't forget, a tree needs to be planted four or five feet away from Mr. Diel's auto. Preferably a spruce tree.

The red vehicle is said to be where John and Christine were parked.

 I am just not seeing any trees "four or five feet" away.



Manny, John, do you guys see how easy this is? 

I simply took what you said about the book, compared it to what the book actually says, and then in this instance I used documentary footage - provided by yourselves - to help to illustrate the passage. 

Let's continue.


In the Freund series there is a correction video. It seems Manny and John got a couple of key locations wrong in a walk-and-talk that they filmed. 

An audience member by the name of "Omega" (nice wink) offered a friendly, helpful correction.

Question: where is this "Omega" the rest of the time? Such as...


From Part Three of the Freund series:

Manny (6:36): "...the main thing, of course, that we want to discuss first is this whole notion of what took place in the Wine Gallery because it's really the Wine Gallery that, uh, that sets up the whole, um, the logistics for the conspiracy that night."

"Maury had people in there waiting for Christine and-and John, he had Berkowitz holding the door for them essentially when on their way out…"

John: "Yeah and what's funny is we, we know that it [they?] probably decided to just pop in there on the whim. I mean we know, I think, they were regulars there but they had no reservations and for you to believe Maury’s story, you'd have to believe that they were followed there but yet the people that followed them got in ahead of them, got a table ahead of them and just happened to get a table right next to them so they could monitor them.”

From "On Location..."

John (7:41): [Standing outside of what used to be known as The Wine Gallery] "According to The Ultimate Evil, it's also where Christine felt uncomfortable and noticed that Bill Mentzer was sitting behind her."

Manny: [laughter] "Yeah, she, ‘Manson Two’ was in here, they just happened to know where they were going to go eat after the movie, they happened to know where the movie was…”

It is really sad...when you consider that these two, John Catalano and Manny Grossman, have caused such a rift in the Maury Terry Facebook groups...and my opinion they have no idea what they are talking about. Not one single clue. 

 From The Ultimate Evil, page 429, 1999 edition (pg, 442, 2021):

 And then there is this from pages 431-432 (444)

And to think that these two, between them, claim to have read The Ultimate Evil hundreds of times.


I have debated over whether or not I should even include this next section. 

The purpose of this blog is not to make a fool out of Manny Grossman but rather the purpose is to "correct the record". If Manny looks foolish in the process then he needs to put more effort into managing what he says and moderating the discussions with his guests. 

John (11:11): "I felt insulted for the Freund family because when he, when he wrapped up this chapter, Maury Terry, he basically said that Christine kind of brought this whole thing on herself."

Manny: "Right, right."

John: "That was disgusting."

Manny: "Right, with the letter and the affair and all that stuff, absolutely disgusting. I mean Maury was the king of slut-shaming in a sense. Even though these weren't sluts he turned them into that and then he shamed them for it. I mean the guy was a disgusting individual."

Slut-shaming? That is awful, Mr. Terry! 

What exactly did you say that provoked such righteous indignation and from the honorable and upright Mr. Manny Grossman?

 So how did she contribute?

Okay. Perhaps this was a poor choice of words on the part of Mr. Terry but I am not seeing anything regarding allegations of a series of casual sexual partners on Ms. Freund's behalf. 

So once again it seems that Manny has no idea what he read, no idea what it means, and no idea how to discuss it, in my opinion.

According to prison source "Vinny", Christine may have stepped on someone's toes. This would contribute to the motive. I don't recall which video but these two sleuths took issue with this as well. Apparently neither one has ever watched Dateline because this is not exactly uncommon in the world of messy love triangles.

But I still do not see how Maury turned Miss Freund "into that" and then shamed her for it*. I bet it has something to do with the fact that this never happened. 


Once again, I could go on and on but I think you get the picture. We have another famous series riddled with drivel. 

These two really do need to spend less time fantasizing about what The Ultimate Evil says and actually pay close attention to the words. As a result they may even find themselves less angry with Mr. Terry. 


Friends, enemies, wig-wearers, chain-smokers, tree-huggers, we are correcting the record and we are doing it without deliberate misrepresentation, name-calling, or slut-shaming.

Thank you for your readership and I will see you soon.

And don't forget...

*I had to come back change the wording here. My initial reaction was a tad crude, for which I do apologize.


  1. Hope all is well. We all miss you!

    1. Everything is fine but thank you so much for asking.

      I still have a few things to say about The Manny Grossman Show. However In the future look for less coverage of that filth factory and more attention being paid to Maury Terry's files. The reason being Mr. Terry's files are infinitely more interesting.


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