Let's Deal with the "Pete" Sketch Debacle

The video we will be taking a look at today, "Billy the Artist-WOW! MORE Maury Terry Hoosow?" can be found here.

At the 34:36 mark, Mr. Grossman begins a slideshow presentation revolving around an alleged cult member named Pete Perez. Pete Perez, his life and times- none of this is our concern at this moment. 

At 37:14, Manny pulls up a Facebook post from the Official Maury Terry Group. I have no idea how Manny came into possession of this post because he's not a member (but I think we all have some idea). It was a message from Maury Terry which was relayed by one of the moderators at the time and it too contained information about Pete Perez. 

Included in the thread was what was said to be a sketch of Mr. Perez provided by one "Billy the Artist". 

It's not. It's two Black Sabbath album covers combined into one image provided by "Billy the Artist"(39:57).


I have stated that the purpose of this blog is not to defend Maury Terry but rather to correct the record; after all, when one has to intentionally leave documents out of a presentation in order to paint Mr. Terry as a "liar", I do not feel that this in accord with the best interests of "Son of Sam truth". 

Today is a different story. 

I gather that Maury Terry passed away on December 10, 2015.  

Anyone who is familiar with episode four of Josh Zeman's Netflix documentary The Sons of Sam: A Descent into Darkeness will recall that towards the end of his life Maury Terry's health took a steep, steep decline. I don't think it's uncharitable to say he lost his step. He wasn't the same man he was 10, 20, or 30 years prior. 

Now let's take a closer look at this most grave injustice perpetrated on the Son of Sam community by Maury Terry.

The sketch appeared in this thread:

Am I defending Maury Terry? 

Yes. That is correct. 

In fact, I am going on record to defend a sick old man who was near the end of his life and made what is ultimately an utterly inconsequential mistake a few months before he passed away.

He had a lapse in memory. 

He was also on his way out.

In your mad rush to "own" the so-called "Terry Heads" and win the case on behalf of whoever, maybe don't lose sight of your humanity. Assuming you had any to begin with. 


Please share and subscribe, thanks. 


  1. Billy the Artist did not recall giving that picture to Maury Terry, either, which is strange. He also did not recall giving MT the pictures of Frank and Jeff. It could be that Billy did see these characters in the park, but just gave him random drawings he had that happened to somewhat resemble Ken, Maria, Mr. Real Estate, et-cetera. Of course, Billy could just be "hoosowing" and this part of Maury's investigation does have holes in it. Does this mean we should throw the baby out with the bathwater, and deem all of Terry's life work "shit stained" as referred to by MG? Of course not. Keep digging, knock on coffins...


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