Mr. Manny Grossman Weighs In


The only reason Manny wants the shooting logged as close as possible to 2:30am is because he wants to eliminate the yellow VW. He wants it to be seen as a "red herring" (see: previous post).


From The Ultimate Evil, page 69 of the 1999 edition and page 72 of the 2021 version:

 This comports with Tommy Zaino's statement:


If you really want to get "granular" about the case, Mr. Grossman, Tommy Zaino was at the scene of the shooting and Maury Terry and Lawrence Klausner, with all due respect, were not.

Yet if you prefer to play fast and loose with the timeline just to eliminate the yellow VW, someone else clocked the shooting at around 2am.


Forgive me, I forgot to note the page but that's okay, Manny, looking it up will help you familiarize yourself with the case better. 

You are free to discount the yellow VW as you wish. You are allowed to do that. 

I think your motives for doing so are a little suspect, based on the fit you had when presenting the Alan Masters statement and going to far as to leave out a page of the document just to place the VW chase closer to 2:55am.

Not an eye witness report but you suspect the information came from an eye witness. Got it. 


Talking down to people, all the while producing video after video full of errors and wild speculation is one of the reasons why I started this blog. 

That aside, I am glad to see you bring up the word "approximately". 

As you yourself are aware, not all watches and clocks are perfectly synchronized. However, we read here again that Tommy Zaino started observing the perpetrator at approximately 2:35am and the shooting was over by approximately 2:45am. 

At approximately 2:45am the beautician saw the yellow VW and Alan Masters recounts a chase involving the vehicle that lasted from approximately 2:45-2:55am. 

At some point I will take a closer look at the legendary "Brooklyn Series" because something tells me a serious fact check is in order. 


Thanks again, everyone, for reading. And I do hope Mr. Grossman found it to be educational.

Bye, all. 

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  1. What you are doing is most excellent. I am thoroughly enjoying reading these blogs. Keep it up!

    1. Thank you for both reading and taking the time to send in a vote of support!

    2. Funny how you omitted the most important witness to the actual time of the shooting. Mr Anthony Galbo telephoned the police immediately after hearing the shooting from his open window on Bay 16th street. 2:30 AM

    3. LOL. Yeah, back in the 70's all clocks were perfectly synchronized. There's no way his clock could have ran slow.

  2. Fantastic analysis. It’s about time people take on the gardener and his BS. The guy cherry picks his facts and pounds square pegs into round holes. And his Billy the Artist interview was the single worst show he ever did. Talk about leading the conversation. He also wants us to believe what an admitted and total liar has to say. I’m curious how much he edited out of that ridiculous interview. Anyway, thanks for starting this blog. I will be paying attention.

    1. Thank you! I agree, the Billy the Artist interview is not the home run Manny believes it to be. And now he's working on a part two, so he says.

    2. After tonight, I’d say it’s pretty much a home run now.

    3. He proved the sketches were fraudulent and from comic books. Maury put Ken in the park because of the sketch and David’s alleged confirmation of Ken from a comic book sketch! You don’t see this as being a huge hole in Maury’s theory?

    4. "Billy" also put Ken in the park. Manny scolded him for this ON CAMERA.

    5. Wrong. He said he made Ken up & the sketch was from a Jimmy Olsen comic book. He corrected when he misspoke and had already confirmed he made him up. Most can see what occurred, you’re blinded by your hate.

    6. No, Anonymous, this is exactly what happened. Please refer to timestamp 32:17 in the interview.

      "Billy": ...I did hang out at Untermyer with a bunch of people I did meet, um, Ken and uh,"

      Manny: No-no! [left hand hand comes into frame, finger extended, like he's correcting Maxi the Husky for jumping on a guest.]

  3. So Billy was telling the truth about the origin of the drawings, and Manny found them in a Conan comic. Seems like a home run to me.

    1. Obviously celebrating the guy who lied to Maury and Murphy counts as a "home run" for that show. And hey, whatever it takes to shift the focus from the "Brooklyn Series" debacle.

    2. Not a celebration of anything, simply shows the TUE is not based on facts. Maury should’ve vetted his sources better. And David ID’d Ken & Moloch based on these sketches? Shows he’s full of it, too.

    3. "Billy" also said he met Ken before Manny scolded him.

    4. Not exactly what happened. He admitted he made it up during the entire interview. You’re simply blinded by your hate for Manny. If anyone else showed this, you’d most likely agree this is a huge find and proves TUE is BS.

    5. No, Anonymous, this is exactly what happened. Please refer to timestamp 32:17 in the interview.

    6. not to mention he said the group was doing stuff to dogs


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