Parker's New Video is a Must-See

(6:44) "I'm also drilling into North Dakota and what do we have there; we have multiple witnesses that saw or met David Berkowitz in North Dakota..."


I'm only about 10 minutes into it, but so far...MIND BLOWN.




I was just going through my files when I ran across this:

It's from one of the Maury Terry Facebook groups. IIRC they were discussing his appearance on Unsolved Mysteries.


  1. As far as the Zaino post, I can see the cops burying things. But if the Unsolved Mysteries TV show is the "They" in "THEY left that out too!", why would "they" want to suppress Zaino being shot at, especially from a yellow VW, which their episode focused on? Sorry, but Zaino is just too erratic and unreliable when it comes to SOS things.

    1. Not gonna lie, that's a fair take.

      I didn't see it as so much suppression, but they have a finite amount of time for the segment. I'm sure Maury, Lt. Gardner, and everyone else who participated felt the producers left out vital info.

  2. What Zaino needs to do, is explain why, in 1979, he told the Queens DA investigators that the man he saw shoot Violante and Moskowitz was David Berkowitz. I have a feeling he felt pressured to play along with the mainstream narrative, especially if his life was threatened. Perhaps, like Berkowitz, he now feels pressure from different or possibly the same entities not to give eye witness testimony that would challenge the notion the DB acted alone.

    1. The first time I listened to his DA tape, to me it just sounded like something was wrong.

      The second time I listened, it was obvious: he did not want to be there.

      Maybe he had a lot of work to do back at the shop?

      Or maybe he’d dodged enough bullets already and just wanted to not dodge another.

      The Clean Up Crew have already tried to offer an excuse for Tommy Z’s actions, but they’re known and proven liars so fuck ‘em.

    2. Don’t take much to blow your small mind then because there’s nothing in that video. Like proof. Laughable.

    3. “Multiple witnesses.”

      Not just one witness in a dark parking lot at 11pm either. Multiple.

    4. @MannyJr. - Assuming you're speaking of North Dakota, you missed something: "not ready to disclose" and "tell you as much as I can." It's not up to me to put the witnesses in public view. To do so would expose them to all manner of harassment, threats, ridicule, and so on. By the way, where's YOUR North Dakota research? -- Parker

    5. Nathan, thanks for the thoughtful reply and I wholeheartedly agree. I got the vibe that Zaino was like, "Sure guys, it was Berkowitz who did the shooting,"...wink...wink...nudge...nudge. He just seemed both uninterested and also like he was playing along in order to not make more trouble for himself.
      With regards to Parker Fate's most recent vid, mentioned in this post, I will agree that she makes some rather bold claims, and I would love it if she could at least get testimony from one of these witnesses on film. The reason I believe Parker is because Frank Anthony, of What's Happening, America? plainly stated that everything that Maury Terry told him and his crew was substantiated when they visited Minot to interview witnesses like Lesly Shawago and Phil Falcon. I am not certain if Mr. Anthony visited Minot before or after the Queens DA did, but I was also told by a prominent researcher that it was most likely that if you were living in Minot in 1979, when the Queens DA came a knockin' on your door, you probably would not tell them anything that could incriminate any of the locals, for fear of retribution.
      So, whereas Ms. Parker did also blow my mind a bit, I would love to get some citations from her on at least a few of those claims. The biggest claim to me was that Berkowitz was seen in Minot during the SoS murder spree. This almost certainly makes him a confidant of John Carr and ties him in with other nefarious characters who might have participated in the Son of Sam crimes.

    6. IF Zaino was influenced back in 1979 to "go with the flow" and ID Berkowitz, I wonder if those doing the influencing were of the same Familia that's become a Circle of Influence around Berkowitz since mid-2021?

      Or to put it another many Colombos does it take to screw out a lightbulb?


    7. @AnonWithRegardsToParkerFate: Thank you for keeping an open mind, and for offering these supporting details. I can assure you of my attempt to get at least a few people on record to the public (they are already on record with law enforcement, going back many years). — But will I be able to present them in such a way that is convincing yet, at the same time, does not subject them to being torn-down, ripped-apart, ridiculed, slandered, harassed, and so forth? That doesn't even touch the very real and ever-present danger of speaking up against the criminal entities in Minot and the surrounding areas. Getting it is a long game, to say the least. I do have an advantage.

    8. @ParkerFate I understand your plight, and really appreciate your hard work on this. I also believe you. Another interesting thing I was told: Frank Anthony's tapes that contain his Minot interviews, yeah...they were "lost in a flood." That seems to be a pattern, no? Enter Yonkers PD and another "flood" that destroyed the Son of Sam files.

    9. Thank you @Anon! I appreciate your kind words. Lost in a flood, huh?? That's some coincidence! -- Parker


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