
I have to give Paul and his book Close Enough for City Work: Journey of a Jabroni credit for one thing: I'm looking at the infamous Breslin and Borelli letters differently. 

For years I simply took it for granted that each one was written by a different hand. Now, I'm not so sure. 

Take a look at them side-by-side (click to enlarge):

The vertical lines, to me, look consistent in both.

You will also notice inconsistent paragraph breaks:

The Borelli letter (right in both examples) seems a little sloppy compared to the neat script of the Breslin. However, the lettering on the envelope which contained the Borelli looks consistent with both letters (half-sloppy):


How do we account for the sloppy nature of the Borelli letter in comparison to the Breslin? How about drugs? Or maybe they wrote the Borelli in a hurry? Or both? 

On page 256, Paul tells us:

I can say with 100% certainty that he has no idea what he's talking about in regards to Berkowitz being the confirmed author. 

The suspected authors, either Michael or John Carr, have no known handwriting samples AS LUCK WOULD HAVE IT beyond a logo Michael designed (more on this later).

With Berkowitz, on the other hand, we have plenty of handwriting samples. Let's take a look at a few side-by-side with the SoS letters.



To me David's handwriting looks nothing like the Son of Sam letters. David tends to alternate between capital and lower-case letters. He also spaces his lines of text out.

But because I am an "honest dealer", I will point out one similarity that I did notice, which is inconsistent paragraph breaks:

Beyond that, nothing. 

Earlier we spoke about Michael's handwriting sample. I noticed a while back that he was adept at using astrological symbols in a clever way. 

Who else used astrological symbols in their logo?

Like our friend Dana says, I'm not here to tell anyone what to think. But I do think it's yet another interesting coincidence in a case full of interesting coincidences.

Thanks again for visiting.



  1. I just noticed that the Q on the Borelli envelope looks like an unfinished Venus symbol. 🤔

    1. Also on the envelope is “homocide”. Spelling error or pun?

    2. Given how many of them were engaged in that type of degeneracy, I'd lay money on intentional pun.

    3. Homosexuals were also largely attacked in the 60s and 70s. Terry was investigating the burning of the Upstairs in NOLO, a gay club. And, homosexuals were targeted at discoteques and the mob had control of homosexual bars. Something to think about.

      I think "degeneracy" is a pretty rough statement. Homosexuality is genetic, passed down by the mother, and is roughly the same percentage wise across species.

    4. For every study you could show saying it's genetic, I could show one saying it's not.

      I stand by what I said.


    5. You are 100% wrong.

      Don't make me start citing neurobiology textbooks and peer reviewed journals. I don't have time to list out hundreds of citings.

    6. Start here.

      Homosexuality is a complex interplay between genetics and the environment turning specific genes off and on. Known as epigenetics.

      In addition, the andronization process is complicated. During certain stages of fetal development, hormones are releases that determine gender, sex, as well as sexual orientation. If this process doesn't go as planned, such as excessive release of different hormones, it can cause difference in brain development and other development (e.g reproduction system) that causes variations in sexual orientation.

      You probably need to see your way out of this argument. You are arguing with a person who has classes at the 600 level in psychology, including cognitive development and neurology.

      Thus is is why school, K through 12, should have educational courses on this topic. Knowledge reduces this type of ignorance that breeds discrimination and hatred.


    7. Sorry sweetheart, I'm too old for your grooming...

      And the days of grooming the Ks to 12s are rapidly coming to an end...thank Jesus.


  2. I ask about a month ago why is everyone thinking John Carr when Michael was always in town.

    1. That’s definitely something I could have leaned into more.

      In my opinion, just going by the way it’s laid out in Paul’s book, it seemed like he was deliberately setting up either John or Berkowitz as the author just to knock JC down later on in the text.

  3. Why did delete your post?

  4. Are your going to control what gets posted now like Manny?

    1. I’ve let some real scumbags have their say, so on that front I’ve been pretty fair.

      If your comment got deleted when I took down the Godzilla post, and you really wanted it to be read, please accept my apology. I wasn’t trying to silence anyone but my own silly-ass sense of humor.


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