Let's Talk About Some Actual Son of Sam Files for a Change

I'm so burnt out and disgusted with some of these characters we've dealt with over the past several months. It's always something with these fucking people, one endless soap opera. 

Maybe we need to start thinking about leaving them in the dust. Not that they're going to stop acting out, but fuck 'em. We got better things to do.

With that, brothers and sisters, I'd like to bring your attention once again to the People Vs. David Berkowitz website. 

Located in the Maury Terry Investigation Notes is a .pdf titled Draft Pages of Maury's Book.

This file is fourteen pages long and comes to us from what I refer to as "the Eric Galati drop" - files straight from the Manny Grossman collection via Josh Zeman. 

The first five pages consist of inserts for an unknown  version of The Ultimate Evil. On the second page we find this:

I have checked the 1989 and 1999 editions and this does not appear on page 83 in either one.

Btw, Tommy is still alive. Does anyone really think Maury would publish a lie in an age were Tommy could easily announce on social media that this never happened?

And is anyone else tired of hearing that things like this are merely a coincidence? Tommy Z. witnesses a Son of Sam shooting, he makes the papers, but suddenly someone else was after him for some other reason? Because that's the excuse being pushed. 

Moving on, we find what appears to be an outline for a new edition of The Ultimate Evil entirely, starting on page 6 of the .pdf. We see pages 3 and 4 of an unnamed chapter, pages 1 and 2 of chapter seven, a three page outline for chapters twenty-four and twenty-five, and one page for twenty-six. 

Where's the rest? 

Do me a favor. Take a look at the outline for chapter seven in the PVDB .pdf, (pages 8 and 9) and compare it to chapter seven of any given version of The Ultimate Evil. This outline is for a new version altogether. The information simply could not be dropped into an existing version without throwing the whole story out of whack.

By my reckoning, if Maury's health had not taken a steep decline (and he didn't have to babysit so many people/spies/screwheads on the MT Facebook pages) this would have been the book we were given as opposed to the 2021 Zeman version. 

But again, where's the rest of the outline and possibly inserts?

So what this means is that no, my dear, we were not given everything worth having in the Galati drop. I suspect things were held back before Josh even allowed the "Scooby Gang" to copy everything. 

We were not even given notes for things that appeared in any version of The Ultimate Evil. 

More later. Be well, my friends. 

I love this crowd!!


  1. Everything was gong fine, until those darn meddling kids started asking questions. ZOINKS!

    1. 😢: “Didn’t we almost have it all.”

    2. I wouldn't be surprised if Maury got the Zaino being shot at closing shop from Zaino himself. By August 1st 1977, cops were chauffeuring Zaino back and forth from the Staten Island Holiday Inn to his body shop and doing witness protection around the clock. Probably another Tommy Tall Tale that Maury wasn't buying until he was ready to do his final no holds prisoners edition that he never got to complete.

    3. No that had to be a coincidence. Just like every other suspicious death/shooting around that time.

      That stuff is so common.

    4. There definitely were suspicious deaths/shootings in and around the case. But is there any other source for this Zaino attempted shooting, outside of some ink on paper that wasn't suppose to be seen publicly anyways?

    5. It appears Maury was updating the text of TUE with those inserts. That’s why page numbers are specified. So it likely was meant to be seen publicly.

    6. "There definitely were suspicious deaths/shootings in and around the case. But is there any other source for this Zaino attempted shooting, outside of some ink on paper that wasn't suppose to be seen publicly anyways?"

      I've been told by two NYPD officers over the years that the shooting did occur, but they couldn't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt it was related to what he witnessed. Now, I trust the two people who told me this implicitly, but I pushed back on that, given the timing of the shooting.

      Nathan, I would love to find out if Zaino remembers what color the car was the guys who shot at him were driving, to see if it matches the report in the Brooklyn files about a carload of people leaving that house a few blocks away from the shooting site like a bat out of hell shortly after the shooting.

      Still trying to ascertain exactly where by the VA Zaino was before he went to Shore Parkway. Could be pertinent given what was near there at the time.


    7. I wouldn't be surprised that someone took a potshot at Zaino. If you ever read some of the Corvette forums out there, his rep is not that great (his brother is the more reputable one in that community). The issue is I don't think it happened immediately after Moskowitz/Violante. Like mentioned, he was under constant police surveillance/protection at that point. It's more like Zaino was really shot at in 1997 and he (or Maury) are making it like the event happened in 1977.


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