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“This is Paul’s first book! He mixed up the pages with a movie script! How come you never let people lie about Maury!”


  1. EXTRA: I just got some deets on Neo’s movie.

    It’s called “Cry Hard” and it stars Bruise Whimper.

    1. Does Scrappy Doo get to play the Reginald VelJohnson part?

    2. Is this movie float a joke?

      Spike Lee is one of the best directors and scriptors in Hollywood. He tried making a SOS movie and it bombed.

      Does Walnuts have any idea what it costs to fund a movie, let alone get a script approved? Who is he planning on blowing in Hollywood that is that desperate? Spacey?

      Good name for the movie? Blow Hard. . .

      Exactly what is so appealing and compelling in this book that makes it scriptworthy? Narcissist ego at its finest.

      Like the narcissist rage you endured, Nathan, with the French fry comments on another blog. . .

    3. I was told that the reason the Serlak/Cerasi timeline got bungled had to do with a movie script. I nearly fell over laughing.

  2. @Nathan

    Curious. Does Paul really have a child with a disability? And has he had problems with social services over the child? Or is this a ploy by someone close to him to get others to feel sorry for him? Because this person has gone on and on about how much Paul is "suffering " and people need to leave him alone.

    I was also told by another one of his friends in the spring if 2013 that he had some ongoing dispute with Yonkers over a workman's comp claim and he was writing the book because he needed money. Said Paul was having financial problems. It was originally slated to come out in June 2023, but he had to work on rewriting it after a source validated he'd seen David with John Carr.

    1. Honestly I know absolutely nothing about Paul’s family or his financial situation (I’m not the one prying into the personal lives of fellow researchers and digging for things that are none of my business).

      If he and his family are facing some special challenges, then on a personal level my heart goes out. If he makes a million dollars off of his efforts than more power to him.

      I still don’t like his book and that’s not about to change.

      As for the “person” using Paul’s circumstances to make excuses for that terrible book he published, fuck them. Fuck that person. That’s sick and it’s manipulation and that is such a scumbag tactic. Par for the course, I guess.

    2. @Nathan

      Ok. I wasn't prying at the time and it was offered up to me. Just for clarification.

      But it seems like a lot of excuses and questionable statements get made about Paul. So just putting it out there, because I'd love to know if any of it is true or if it is a crock to evoke sympathy or other reasons.

      And, if financial problems are an issue, it makes a person susceptible to corruption, doing things for the wrong reasons. The book looks suspect at best.

      If it was done out of financial desperation (which I don't believe) you have to wonder about specific aspects of the book, such as offering to pay people (e.g. Larry for starters). Where did that money come from?

    3. Just to clarify on my end, I wasn’t accusing you of prying. That was a jab at Paul’s crew for spending so much time worrying about where I live and what I do.

      You bring up an excellent point. Where did he get the money to offer Manny? Did he really buy Manny equipment like I’ve been told?

      And why would Manny need financial help? We’ve been told he charges a premium.

    4. "I was also told by another one of his friends in the spring if 2013 that he had some ongoing dispute with Yonkers over a workman's comp claim and he was writing the book because he needed money."

      Anon, is that a typo? 2013? Has the grift been going on that long, since before Maury was even gone?

      A workman's comp claim...where have I heard that before with one of these Yonkers mutts? Oh yeah, Luis' "Daddy", Lorenzo. He had a bogus, failed workman's comp claim.

      Seems to be a trend with certain SoS "researchers" from Yonkers.


    5. God damn. It’s always something with these desperados.

    6. Sorry. Yes. 2023.

      2013 was a typo.

      I wonder if I've been fed disinformation and it was Lorenzo. I know zippo about him.

      I know with 100% certainty I was told Paul had a workman's comp claim problem. And that he had a problem with Yonkers over something related to his disabled child, specifically saying they took her. Whatever that means.

      I did not know he purchased Manny's equipment. Wasn't he able to purchase that kind of stuff on his own? Odd.

      So, on top of all of this, I was told when Manny first started podcasting that Wheat Carr contacted both of them (Manny and Paul). They were both exchanging emails with her and neither realized the other was communicating with her for quite a long time. I guess she didn't want it relayed? Isolated them both. I'd love to know if that is true or false.

    7. I don’t believe anything coming out of that camp anymore.

      None of it adds up. Ever.

      Take the Savino shooting. Dark parking lot, 11pm, but she can make out a pair of blue eyes?

      And he was laughing. People’s eyes usually squint when they smile and laugh, so there’s even less visibility.

      As for Paul, again, he says things in his book and a few pages later he forgets what he said.

      First he purchased The Ultimate Evil and supposedly read that. Then a few chapters later he announces that the first book he read on SoS was Klausner’s.

    8. Also- it’s also possible/probable he was still employed when he was buying gifts for everyone- cigars, wine, etc.

    9. @Nathan

      Good point. I really don't know a timeline on his problem with Yonkers.

      I also have a hard time believing anything that comes out of a lot of their mouthes based on prior conversations, validating specific things said as false.

      Overall, I think the book is odd. It comes across like an exercise in narcissism, eating at the Luisitania 3x a week, reserving the backroom, saying I know this person, that person, gifting cigars and wine. . .then the narcissistic rage outbursts recently.

      Like someone who knows Paul well told me, he is a bragger.

      The overall content of the book just isn't good and is a poor reflection on him. And, his recent displays to criticism and published truths don't help his case.

    10. The "displays to criticism", the lame (and in once case disgusting) excuses, the scrambling, the "what about Maury" we see above - that should tell everyone everything they need to know.

      If you truly believe you're doing the right thing, you don't act like this. You and everyone who endorses you knows deep-down that this behavior is gross.

      I want that stuff to just hang in the air.

  3. I'll be frank. I have zero qualms criticizing Maury Terry when it is appropriate. I think some parts of the book are faction, meaning a mixture of fact and fiction. Alex Haley was guilty of the same thing with Malcolm X. Regardless, Haley's book is good and you have to carefully read it and compare to other sources. Same applies with TUE. No one is pitch perfect.

    Terry would have done well to cite sources and to index the book, but it is neither here nor there. He had to protect sources, witnesses, etc, due to journalistic code of ethics.

    What I am tired of recently is the recent Manny posts insisting Duke and King are mere dogs. Sure. They can also be dog references. But in writing terms, things can be more than one thing at the same time. More importantly and sorely neglected, Satanism thrives in ambiguity, multiple meanings, shapeshifting. So, you'll find multiple meanings purposely written into the letters. The purpose is it causes chaos, confusion. Kind of the essence of the case, right?

    I'll also say that the letters read like poetry. College level literary analysis courses teach students to look for the multiple meanings and to put the bigger picture together. But this will be lost on a lot of people who have not taken 300 level or over English coursework.

    1. My attitude for years and years has been this: if Maury screwed up, intentionally or otherwise, fix it and move on.

      Maury is not the case. The case is the case.

      Bottom line: it was the outright LIES about Maury that motivated me and others to defend him. I cannot state it any clearer than that.

      Are there issues with TUE? Sure. Are there enough issues to to cover three years worth of bogus YouTube videos and a shitty book for dessert? Haha, no. And if this website has taught us anything it's that Team Wheat is completely full of shit. That's why they're coming apart at the seams as we speak. That's why they're trying to treat people like me and Dana, a couple of hicks, like we're super-villains.

      You mentioned Duke and King. Here's my take: they were nothing more than taunting clues, same as, "drive on, think positive, get off your butts". That doesn't change retired Det. Kevin Murphy's own investigation. It doesn't erase what Ace Brown told the honorable Mayor Jim Rothstein. It doesn't un-draw the SoS symbol on that phone book in Minot. It doesn't delete Jesse Turner's insights. It doesn't undo all of the interesting things we learned from Carl Denaro's book.

      As for the Duke and King clues, does that mean there was absolutely nothing fishy going on over on Wicker Street? NOPE.

      Let me repeat that.

      As for the Duke and King clues, does that mean there was absolutely nothing fishy going on over on Wicker Street?


      Anybody seen True Detective season 1? Spoiler alert: when Marty shot that half-naked pervert, it fucked things up, yes. But that doesn't mean him and Rust were wrong about everything.

      I'll finish with this. The irony of all Manny and Paul's nonsense over the past three years is that they have inadvertently reinforced the notion that Berkowitz had accomplices.

    2. P.S. We're going to be looking at those SoS letters some more. Paul's book demands it.

    3. Maybe Manny bought a Microphone when he charged people to watch. At one point I figured out he was making 4K a month. Some of the speculation i read up there was hilarious and so far from the truth, but if that makes you excited keep thinking it. I would say ask me and I will tell you what I know but you won’t believe it me so keep on with your stories like in the movies. They make me laugh. But I will say it cost $8,000.00 for him to self publish the book. And for a person who worked for the same place for 20 years it’s not hard to have access to that amount of your own money. I’m going to guess none of the monkey bunch above held a job at the same place for close to 20 years.

    4. $8k? Lmao. For all the good it did he might as well have set the cash on fire.

    5. Nathan,
      This "Anon"...Witchy Woman Rena or Scrappy Doo Heusler? It's a coin flip, after all.

      What do you think?

  4. “Vibe check”.

    There is one anonymous piece of shit who keeps trying to “big league” me in the comments; he’s spoken to so-and-so, he knows this person, he knows that person, etc. The “appeal to authority” tactic.

    I don’t care.

    Don’t care who you know, who you’ve spoken to, don’t care how long you’ve studied the case, don’t even care if you got close to “Trudy”. None of that means you actually understand what’s in front of you. It speaks nothing to your reading comprehension level. It says nothing about your ability to distinguish between shit and Shinola. Because I know who it is and you’ve proven yourself to be a complete fucking idiot. So keep your dumb “insights” to yourself.

  5. Breakfast shift, Nathan?

  6. You’re not even human to me.

  7. Nathan, It seems pretty apparent at this point that all the opposing factions are operating under the marching orders of a fat old pear-shaped hag down in Maryland.

    1. If I was her, I’d be pissed off at these shitbirds. They’ve done nothing to move the narrative in her favor.

      All of Neo’s five-star reviews come from his friends. Really changing hearts and minds!

      Manny’s fanbase is made up of cops, ex-cops, and let’s just say occult-friendly fuckups. People predisposed to hate Maury to begin with.

    2. Hey TD

      Do you recall screenshots of WC telling massive, hilariously stupid whoppers on different social media sites posted on the MT Facebook pages?

    3. Nathan,
      Yeah, I remember those.
      Maury had a couple threads devoted to her tall tales from two Yonkers-centric FB groups in particular...and I seem to recall it was Tomac? and one other OG member from the group who were the ones uploading the screenshots.

      I wonder if those threads still exist?

      What I 100% remember from my own look at those Yonkers FB groups was there were a couple people from the OG in there kissing her and her friend Pete Sheridan's asses constantly, and if anyone challenged her, Pete and someone named Mary Doyle acted as her pitbulls.


    4. I've tried to find those screenshots to no avail. Someone went in and cleaned those up too it seems.

      Doyle used to be all over Manny's comments back in the early days of his videos (and also makes an appearance in Maury's notes). I wouldn't be surprised if she's the Mrs. Callahan in dummy's book. Like Callahan, Doyle was also a classmate of John Carr's and dummy says he's known Callahan his whole life.

    5. Anything and everything that bolsters the idea of Berkowitz having accomplices will be systematically erased.

      For example, the 54 minute version of "Searching for the Son of Sam-44 Caliber Killer in Brooklyn" has disappeared now.

      This was the version that reappeared in early 2023, substituted for the 158 minute version that disappeared in 2022 right after Zeman made the podcast rounds patting himself on the back for his "deep dive" into the ABC Brooklyn outtakes.

      Guess they finally realized that although they excised most of the damning statements that locals made in those outtakes when they cut it down to 54 minutes, they didn't get everything.


    6. @TD

      I’m not familiar with the video you’re talking about. Can you go into more detail?

    7. Found the 158 minute version on a YouTube channel with no other content in fall 2021. Posted it in both the OG and UG shortly before Carl showed me the door in the OG.

      It contained exclusively ABC News B-Reel footage and outtakes from the Brooklyn shooting site and the surrounding neighborhood, and footage from the hospital and the Omega Task Force offices.
      Lots of Geraldo talking to locals in Brooklyn, many who said the neighborhood was on edge due to numerous strangers and cars they didn't recognize being in the area during the week prior.
      Zeman took a lot of those interviews and cut them down to almost nothing in Sons of Sam, and changed the context of what they said.
      First version also had Geraldo erroneously calling Stacy Moskowitz "Sandy" twice while he was being filmed outside the OTF office.
      Also contained a 2 minute segment with no sound of a camera panning over files on one of the desks before panning up to settle on a composite drawing on the wall behind, showing a person with wavy, shoulder length hair and an angular face... it's not one of the canonical SoS sketches.

      A couple months later, I got DMs from several people saying the link to the video didn't work any longer...checked, and the account that uploaded it to YouTube originally had been deleted.

      Right after that, Carl popped into all the groups, dropping a link and pimping Zeman's appearance on a podcast wherein he pats himself on the back incessantly for what a great job he did getting hold of the old ABC News footage from Brooklyn.

      A couple months later, I'm rooting around on YouTube and I find the video has returned on a different channel, only now it's 54 minutes instead of 158 minutes, with all the clips of the locals snipped to get rid of the commentary about outsiders being seen, or in some cases entire clips removed.
      I posted the 54 minute version in the Son of Sam Research Fellowship FB group.
      Now, the 54 minute version has disappeared from YouTube, same circumstances as the first version, the entire account that uploaded it was deleted.

      The full truth about the Brooklyn shooting has them all terrified.


    8. Thank you.

      I vaguely remember a screenshot of the perp sketch you’re talking about.

      If I didn’t know any better I’d think people were deliberately destroying anything that points to multiple shooters!

    9. Yeah, I posted the screenshot in 2.0 before Witchy Woman Rena bounced me last year. That might be where you saw it.

      Maury knew how important Brooklyn was to the overall case... it's why he was still chasing down leads in Bensonhurst and Bay Ridge in 1986.

  8. @everyone

    In order for Maury to be completely wrong, lots of things have to go missing.

  9. Oh no!! Not screenshots!! Lmao.

    Classic. Nobody gives a fuck.

    But if you want to pull that stunt, I guess your Serlak/Cerasi timeline is going up, not to mention the hilarious shit good Christian Paul said to me.

    So you want to talk about liars? Look in the mirror, bitch.

    And still no rebuttal. Dummy.

  10. @Nathan


    Can he please point us to the group we can take screenshots and save them for our records? I'd personally love to know where they are. Full web page.

    Link needed.

    Werethere inconsistencies?

    Or is this a bad tip?

    How about some honesty?

  11. @honesty anon

    So here’s what happened.

    I started thinking about something Mayor Jim Rothstein said. He was explaining to Ed Opperman that yes, daisey, you sometimes have to be friendly with bad people to get information.

    With this in mind, I reached out to Paul and said, basically, hey, we don’t agree on the case but as a person I don’t think you’re a bad person. Then I warned a fellow researcher that it might look sus but just trust me.

    Boom, I was “in”. And the reason it was so easy was because they thought they were going to turn me or at least get enough personal info to shut me up down the road. I mean, one of them did her little best!

    So suddenly I’m part of their little bad-guy hideout Messenger groups.

    I played dumb, drank alot, gave them no reason to suspect anything, fed them full of shit and just hung in there. Before too long, in very hushed tones, I was slipped their prized possession: that stupid fucking Surlack/Cerasi timeline.

    I didn’t think anything of it, frankly. It wasn’t earth shattering and still isn’t. The feds might not agree, seeing as how Paul basically lays out a conspiracy to keep all YPD docs from prying eyes, but that’s a different story.

    I tried to ask Paul a couple of questions after his book came out. He doesn’t answer questions so when I started my reviews I was left to my own devices.

    And there you have it.

  12. Btw, I wrote that kinda fast because I gotta get home and watch True Detective season 1. Feel free to ask about anything that isn’t clear.

  13. @Nathan

    Going in to gather with people who are "sus"? I can't say you are alone there.

  14. Why has Paul done virtually no press for his book? Besides a pre-existing social media platform that would lick his arse if only their tongue could reach that far?

    It brings to mind the way Manny used to cull his audience on a regular basis. Don’t get too big. Too much scrutiny would ruin everything. This is a demoralization campaign after all.

    The Savino stuff? Trolling David. Demoralizing him too. That’s all.

    1. @Nathan

      Maybe because the book isn't pressworthy.

      Just found a new Joseph Savino scandal, btw Apparently in 1968 he was indicted for perjury over stolen merchandise. The merchandise was handed over to him at his place of business, Wakefield.

      It also looks like he made some false insurance claims and a company sought restitution. Pretty sure it is him. And another lawsuit that is possibly him and his parents related to dismantling their financials in the late 70s. So it is quite possible he was having financial problems when Wendy Savino was shot.

      Too bad the NYPD couldn't be bothered to properly investigate. They should have started by looking into him. Because about 70% of victims know the person behind their crime.


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