
Between July 29, 1976 and July 31, 1977, six people were slain and seven were wounded in the Son of Sam attacks.

Six slain. Seven wounded.

At present time this is being largely forgotten by some of us. Including myself, absolutely.

The so-called "Son of Sam community" is being held hostage by a few weirdos who think they possess- OMG - incriminating screenshots

Let me repeat.

We've reached a point - actually well past - where a few sick fucks, total pieces of garbage, think they have a stranglehold on some researchers because maybe one or two people said some things they regret in the spirit of lively debate, maybe got caught up in the heat of the moment and did or said things they don't want shared. WHATEVER. NOBODY GIVES A SHIT.

Let me tell you something. I've been accused of leaking. I've been accused of being a Processian. I've been called a Satanist. I've been kicked out, scrutinized and background-checked. So kiss my ass if you got uptight because I asked questions about you or wondered about your motivations. I regret none of it.

And kiss my entire ass if you have been preying on the females who have invested so much time, money and energy into trying to solve this case. 

This bullshit makes people like Manny chuckle. 

That was the point from the start. 

And allow me to remind you that this bullshit doesn't go on over in Manny's groups.

Let that sink in.


  1. Oh, DAMN! Does someone have me on record saying Maury was a liar?? Nope. So let it roll. I’ve got screenshots of my own. I never did show them to the interested parties, and it’s been years. Not my style. But don’t push me.

    It sucks that we swim in a toxic cesspool of endless drama when it comes to the SoS, but David called it decades ago when he said this case is surrounded by evil.

    Keep the faith.

    — Parker

  2. This "Housekeeping" post will stay up long enough for the right people to get the hint and then it will come down.

    Why, you may ask?

    I didn't want to make it in the first place. It has nothing to do with setting any records straight. And I'm embarrassed that this behind-the-scenes bullshit has gone on for as long as it has.

    But I'll be god damned if I'm going to let these people try to infect any other online research groups with their batshit crazy nonsense.

    Let me be clear. I'm not here to doxx or humiliate anyone. I wouldn't like it. But we have a couple of people who spend more time stirring the pot, whispering into people's ears, getting people revved up and then saving select screenshots of those conversations, and for WHAT?

    Several months back, someone came to me and said, "look, I said some things about you that I regret, I'm worried the person I was talking to is going to share the screenshots with you. I'm sorry."

    Frankly, I understood exactly why this person said what they said. It didn't feel great, but I deeply appreciated the apology. But the more I thought about it, the angrier I became at the person who was threatening to show me the screenshots.

    Wanna talk about "spiritually sick"? Trying to break up a friendship because you can't have your way with someone is right up there at the top of the list.

    Anyway. Rant over (hopefully).

  3. As a #Metoo survivor of the toxic SOS bs, may I say gracious for your clearly awesome post. I will be following your blogs, offering up my arguments for Manny's poorly researched podcasts, free of charge. . .this blog was forwarded to me by a friend. It made my day.

    1. First of all, I am very sorry to hear this. The arguments alone can get pretty toxic, and I say that as one who has flew off the handle more than once. But this other thing? Disgusting. Completely unacceptable.

      I don't have an exact number but there's at least three women who have had to deal with this. One would be too many, that goes without saying.

      On the bright side, I'm glad it made your day. I don't deserve such high praise, lol, but thank you for saying that. Take care and I look forward to any contribution you have to make.

  4. That moment when I found out it wasn't just me....

  5. @thatmomentIfoundoititwasntjustme

    I personally never thought it was just me. It was too quick, he'd never met me in person, and the age gap triggered fire alarms. Too many ingratiating compliments, too. I'm not that naive.

    There is always a pattern of behavior. And I feel vindicated, a little less gaslighted by a person who exhibited sociopathic behavior, knowing I'm not alone. But sorry other ladies had to endure it.

    I'm ok with it at this point because I believe the motivations behind the advances illuminated the person in question once I found out more information. And there is a trend of my person in question acting all shady. Assuming the other ladies had problemos with the same dude. I'll leave it there and attempt to not throw more shade on this person despite not giving this person a public unveiling.

    All the same? I hope he reads this and breaks out in a cleansing sweat that revels a hot house yoga session.

    Again, Nathan. You made my day. Free Manny critiques coming your way in replies.

  6. Oh my gosh, this is so comforting and healing. THANK YOU!! After being called a liar all day yesterday (it's kinda obvious that person has been shown a selection of screenshots; not everything), I was feeling backed into a corner. My integrity is all that matters to me. I'm not one to let that go. At the same time, I do not wish to be dramatized and stigmatized as both a sexual target and an accuser. I'm here for the research. Of course, I have met a handful of amazing people - just a few I can trust. I unintentionally set forth a reaction of jealousy when I made that statement: "Thank you to my research friends. You make it all worth it." That is truth on the level that this person could not handle. They're closed out of that. I fully expect this person to continue to lash out. I've been subjected to the campaign to hijack all my allies over the past 2 years -- that in itself is painful, as they have been mostly successful. But your message here represents a shift. Your account is detailed and clear. I am deeply grateful to you. And you made me laugh! Thank you. ❤️

    1. @ohmygosh My specific person was addressed early on and happened about 1 to 1.5 years ago. If it is the same person, I'm annoyed the behavior continued. But, I did hear he was slinging for a connection to another female researcher awhile back, a hookup through a friend of his who also a researcher. I'm assuming the person who told me is reliable. These two men are quite the team. . .anyhow.

      And I know one them has fractured another research group of people.

      I'm as guilty of screenshoting the hell outta stuff at this point for record keeping due to blatant contradictory statements and are extremely relevant, unfortunately. Saved, stored. It is sad it had to get to this point, literally.

      The community is a toxic cesspool and littered with bad actors, wannabe vigilates, fake accounts, gaslighters, people who don't respect boundaries, those who also leak information to team Grossman. . .

      @nathan I'm not so sure Grossman doesn't have problems on his team. I've heard some interesting stories. . .

    2. Dear anonymous lady, your specific person is the same as my specific person. There’s no doubt. The additional detail you provided is an exact match. There’s just one specific person, but he has a …let’s just call him a “wingman”… who recently went out of his way to bully me for proof — and of course I’m a liar if I don’t provide it. And there was a bit more than that. I go back to the 1.5 to 2-year timeframe. What the wingman doesn’t understand is that if I share, it will cause an even bigger stir since it is not just about manipulation and misconduct. My screenshots include the specific person selling out just about everyone in our circle at that time — including an SoS victim, Admins, and very highly-respected researchers. The specific person is, at the present time, crying the blues about how this will destroy a person’s life (his). But it was all well and good when the specific person took an axe to my reputation 2 years ago to the people I valued most (some of whom still will not speak to me). There are only 2 sides to every story when it benefits the specific person, I notice. And as far as what’s happening right this minute, if anyone reading this wants to fault me for doing whatever is necessary to protect a friend from suffering what I have already suffered… well, you know what to do: kindly fuck off.

      Anonymous lady, you have given me wings, and I appreciate you tremendously! We both know there are more women out there. Maybe they’re reading this. Please know that you don’t have to create an account to comment anonymously. Though it is understood that what we experienced is demoralizing and traumatic. I respect not wanting to put one’s testimony on record. My friend who has not spoken suffered much worse than me.

      Nathan, thank you for providing a protected venue for this to come out. I believe the motives of anyone that attacks you are fairly transparent.

    3. ERR: my timeline is 2 to 2.75 years. Time does fly. There was a very brief reconciliation last year, but it hardly counts. Might I add I have yet to name the specific person, neither the wingman. They might be breaking out in a cleansing sweat that revels a hot house yoga session! But to this point, they remain anonymous.

  7. I've been told that I am simply starting trouble for the sake of it. I disagree.

    I know how a lot of these people operate. I've seen it all before. You are not going to bring your little shitshow and set up camp in a new area, or at least one that I participate in. NO SIR. Go do it somewhere else.

    We're also getting the "consenting adults" and "two sides to every story" jazz. Bullshit. Ask yourself why one person in particular has so many women in such a small research area making the same claims.

    1. Something else: I kept giving a certain someone little hints. They kept ignoring them and kept right on trucking. I did not just launch into them out of the blue.

  8. @Nathan Gave a certain person hints and they kept on trucking? Oh dear God. . .

    Ok. I'll give this much. Unnamed person failed to initially disclose he was friends with unnamed wingman, likely because he knew I'd never talk to him based on unnamed wingmans ties to questionable people if and when I found out based on my other contacts. Very well documented game playing by these two men.

    Unnamed man begged me not to rat him out to a specific person. All but cried. I ratted on this person on numerous issues.

    In my personal opinion, these two men need to be forcefully ejected like Untermyer wastewater from the community.

    How about we start a scavenger hunt for this SOS SOB in Breslin letter fashion? Riddle me this.

    Here are some names:

    The King of Big Macks, aka Sonny boy
    The Monarch of Porn
    The Queen of the Lavender Scare
    The Duke of Highjackers

    Yeah. Four total. You heard me. And the Queen was added just to keep you on your toes.

    As for administrators? They might do a better job scrutinizing accounts based on the gravity of the case.

    Well, this was fun.

    1. "In my personal opinion, these two men need to be forcefully ejected like Untermyer wastewater from the community. "

      YES. YES. YES. YES.

      There's another one, considered quite a holy figure for the "research" he's done, that needs to be launched from the back of a speeding pickup truck. He's basically providing cover.

    2. @nathan This is likely relevant. Does any of the complaints come from a woman with an alleged criminal background history, although I am unaware if she was arrested for the behavior? I am not going to list the accusation made against her. A source, although arguably at times very unreliable, claimed unnamed man wanted a connection with this woman through unnamed wingman. I found the sources comments unsettling.

    3. @likelyrelevant no. The common denominator is that they are all amazing researchers, exactly the kind of people you don't want snooping around if you work for #TeamSatan.

    4. You lost me on holy figure. Are you maybe referring to the High Priestess of Group Experts?

      I know he focuses hard on one specific area and tried to strong arm me into timelining something out for him because he felt unable to do it himself. I refused. Not my area of expertise. He also tried to strong arm me into another venture of his. Tried to make me feel sorry for him because he is neurodivergent. It feels as though he is incapable of doing his own research work. Or maybe he just wants to pin his projects on someone else. He also claimed he got called out by a specific individual for being a troglydte and needed help. Possibly some degreed female energy. Who the f knows.

      He also told me "my intelligence is hot" for starters. Sorry, man. I'm not a narcissist and you can't appeal to me that way.

      After it got worse and worse, I finally called him out and redirected his behavior elsewhere. He apologized, gave numerous excuses for the behavior, and I let it go but just started watching him closely and keeping track of everything. In the end, despite the months of headaches, I feel like I better understood his motivations and was glad I hung in there. I finally bolted when one of the better friends I've had in my life yelled at me and told me to get away from those psychopaths.

    5. @nathan Thanks for the elaboration. I have now suspect their team effort extends to the source who gave me this information, as he has also been known for disinformation and is in contact with unnamed wingman. Seems like they seperate their shit out better than a German black and tan. But source claims he has only talked to unnamed man once and nearly two years back per documentation. Source is also especially edgy as of lately, although I rarely speak to him, and will be forcefully ejected like a fascist dictator if he ever contacts me again. I asked too many questions. . .

      Possibly my sources intel was an attempt to discredit the lady in question. One piece of questionable information about myself that was given to unnamed man was tossed into an email by the source, so I know information is being shared. Maybe the source thought I'd have issues with it? Not so much. I found it quite comical.

      They make their own bed with the ladies. Now they lay in it.

    6. Anonymous lady, you are demonstrating your knowledge of said specific person and wingman! I'm impressed! I can't believe I know about this, actually. There was a very brief reconciliation last year with specific person — less than a week — and when I say "reconciliation" I simply mean I forgave them for priors. It did not last. In that timeframe, I was shown some photos of the woman you're talking about. If I'm not mistaken, she's related to the wingman. She does resemble him. I sincerely hope she was not maneuvered by said specific person, especially since she is closely tied to the wingman. But getting to your question: no, she is not among the known complainants as yet.

  9. Anonymous lady, that really was fun! These men don’t know who they’re dealing with. All that is needed is for us to compare details. WOE! Would you please reach out to me in DM? Aside from that, your posts are excellent. I look forward to more. — ParkerFate

    1. I'll consider it at some point in the future, but I literally have no idea who ParkerFate is. So I wouldn't know how to DM you.

      But it sounds like there are a lot of similar stories out there and the gossip mill is churning as usual.

      I'm sure everything will work itself out in due time.

    2. I'll think about it long and hard. I have Nathan's email address which was provided to me by a third party. If I choose to talk about what occurred further, I'll contact him first and then he can connect the two of us. This way he can also compare stories across the board since he knows about the three women.

    3. I'm a researcher in the community. I have no presence in the groups anymore, however I do have a profile under that name on most social media platforms since I use those accounts to research and vet people. You might have seen my recent presentation related to the SoS case on YT. I understand being cautious. This is a very nasty arena. I have detail and even photographs around the things you've discussed here. I appreciate your coming forth nonetheless! It's never too late to connect, though I often lockdown the ability to receive messages. Presently, everything is open.

    4. Yes, that would be great. Nathan has seen some of my "collection" and I trust him implicitly!

    5. @parkerfate I don't participate in the groups either anymore. I have not seen your recent presentation on the SOS case on YouTube, because I have actively cut back on the podcasts and online interactions due to having my fill.

      And, one of my friends who cares about my wellbeing pretty much picked me up, tossed me over the shoulder, and actively removed me due to ongoing concerns.

      These concerns didn't just include the unnamed man, but I believe there is a trail of stones and breadcrumbs that lead straight back to unnamed man and his wingman. I'm still collecting what is needed above and the beyond the #metoo documentation, because, I think the situation is far more egregious than just the collection I have saved. I want some substantial documentation before I bake those witches on #teamsatan. -Gretel

  10. I had a pal who was a researcher in the SOS case and was treated horribly by a male almost 30 years older than her with an O in his first name and an L in his last name. Reading this now, just wondering if it’s the same person.

    1. This would make your friend the 4th, possibly the 5th.

  11. @ Nathan Curious. Did one of the victims of the unnamed man and unnamed wingman possibly block the holy figure of research from her FB page? If I'm right, there might be a pattern developing due to questioning this particular person and some holding some information. Unclear if you'll want to post this one.

  12. If we are going to list out letters in first and last names, here are mine:

    1) o and r (unnamed man)
    2) a and t (unnamed wingman)
    3) e and t (questionable source that ties to unnamed wingman)
    4) a and n (unnamed person who creates lots of fake accounts, fights a lot, and has been banned or voluntarily left groups based on the behavior and who is tied to #3)

    All have ties to the holy figure of research, if my guess of who this person is is correct, whether actively engaging in fighting with the individual online (one of which I think involves fake fighting) or actively covering for the person.

    Also, my specific unnamed man tries to keep a low online profile due to his employment, supposedly, so unless you personally know him it might make it difficult to figure who he is. You would need to trace him back through #2).

    Finally, none of these men are a victim or a family member of a victim. I want zero confusion on this point.

    1. Okay, yep. I have a couple of "names" to add to that but I'm pretty sure you can guess who. One also creates fake accounts, fights...

      All of these guys rally around o & r because he's just a loudmouth. I wonder how many of them know what he's doing to female researchers? Four now, possibly five.

      The "holy figure" knows. He comes out of hiding every so often to complain about how he was wronged. Yet when his female researcher friends try to tell him how THEY were wronged, he doesn't want to hear about out and covers for loudmouth.

      I guarantee loudmouth is trying to convince his little circle this is all a Process plot to shut him down because he knows too much!! He's too vocal!! He doesn't know shit, btw, he only does research on other researchers.

  13. >> EVERYTHING HE JUST SAID (on June 14 at 2:35pm) <<

    This is a very unfortunate situation, and I am puzzled by certain aspects of it, but you can’t get more truthful than what was just said.

    Yep: only research on other researchers. In fact, in the timeframe that I reconciled with unnamed #1, I was deep into some details that were very exciting. I had progressed in my research by leaps and bounds. But the opportunity to fill this person in never came up. The only topic of convo was the drama. There was a VERY forceful push for me to insert myself in this drama, and on that note I ceased communication. It took only 3 days for the wheels to fall off, and it resulted in a complete meltdown on unnamed #1’s part.

    Mind you: SCREENSHOTS and CALL LOGS.

    Anonymous lady, I appreciate the extra detail. Could unnamed #1 be in his late 50s? He is not married, but has had the same longterm girlfriend through all of this. I’ve been speaking with the women I know. We were all affected by the same man. The letters match, as far as any that were posted here.

    I can’t personally speak beyond unnamed #1 and #2. Both are an exact match. I can only speculate on the rest, except that the holy figure is someone I considered a friend. I am clueless as to the way alliances are destroyed. I have done NOTHING to violate this person’s trust.

    Thusly, we continue to navigate the pervasive bullshit that collects on every surface of this so-called “community.”

    Regardless of where this goes, it still is a cleansing process. **ALL LADIES** in these groups should be on HIGH ALERT!!!

    I’m still ready to share my collection, though please allow me to differentiate from unnamed #1. Exactly 2 people have seen the substantive parts of my collection. A couple more saw remnants of an argument 2 years ago, and that is where it ended (for me). I highly doubt that anyone will be surprised that unnamed #1 shared things with me, but the sheer volume and content of what was shared — which included the details of very personal situations — is likely to cause some people to lose their shit. — And who can blame them? I will not be surprised if any known details about myself have also been shared liberally. In fact, I’m banking on it.

    So, you see, I have already practiced self-restraint — years worth.

    What’s sad is that the stir over my reveal would be centered on what was shared about people’s personal business, and their research. Few would be upset by the rest.

    We are not seeking a public lynching of these men. We’re looking for the misconduct to STOP RIGHT THE FUCK NOW! Also for bullies to STFU!! This all began because I sought to protect my friend from the destruction of a tag-team duo. Don’t like it? This is what Dana would tell you: GET BETTER FRIENDS.

    This ain’t over, but let me remind you there are no names on the table. YET.

  14. This is what I recommend for group administrators. New policies need to be posted related to fake accounts and misconduct towards members, both sexes. Obviously, the men should not just be ganged on although this seems to be a male-dominated problem. If administrators are not comfortable creating new policies or properly reviewing accounts due to time or other mitigating factors, new administrators need to be placed in charge. The. End.

    There also is room for unbiased administrator decisions. I would imagine some if these men have penetrated the upper layer, so to speak. . .

    If things don't change, then leave the groups and create your own.

    I personally do not feel safe nor do others I know due to my experiences without going into detail. Should someone have to go into bunker lockdown because of these types of experiences? Um, no.

  15. The net result is that no in-depth research can be done when one is busy wrangling these jerks. It's all-consuming. You can't fault people for using a moniker across the board. Unnamed #1 and #2 have used their real names all along. It would take admins who are willing to do the work of vetting people; also willing to cut an individual out the group when necessary, and not allowing a revolving door. I'm not suggesting the admins are to blame, but they are there for a reason. I totally understand how hard this is. I cut someone from my group who is grifting BIGTIME in the OG as we speak. I had been asked to let that person back in again and again, to which I always refused - and I made the right choice. On the other hand, I screwed up when I let unnamed #1 come back to the group briefly. I sorely regret that. It can never be too early to delete unnamed #1 from your group if you're an admin. I'd insert the most compelling example right here, but that would be telling too much. In my experience, unnamed #1 "stays" because he makes you feel sorry. It's a long-winded plea, and "you" are at the center of it. — I should add I'm not accepting of ppl that use a new profile every week, but... there's another high plains grifter that has used the same moniker for over a decade. Paying close attention to BEHAVIORS is the only way to suss these people out. If an admin is too busy to study the dynamics, that's not good.

  16. So, I have pretty much isolated myself to a few friends based on the occurences, as said before, and haven't even been looking at anything in the groups or podcasts because of it. With a few exceptions here and there. So, I decided to start looking around to see what was brewing while I was gone, because, obviously, this blog being forwarded to me alerted me to the problem.

    It seems my unnamed man went on the offensive, according to sources, around the first of the year. I can see why some might bring up that he'd blame a Process conspiracy plot to shush him out based on what I found, but the argument iwould be pretty preposterous based on my correspodence with the person in writing via e-mails, texts, and phone conversations. And, knowing at least one of his contacts and how he wanted me to help him with it. Everything has been well documented as soon as red flags started popping up, you know, red flags like macking on a lady he only saw pictures of, one he barely knew, one who lived a good 2000 miles away from him. A lady who is married. A lady who is considerably older. And catching him in repeated lies and other strange off the wall comments. And so it goes.

    As for me, there were lots of hints for this person to knock off his behavior. This person conntected with me through a group based on my research "inspiring him" and the conversations went from there. The person, in a first conversation, said that when he thought of me a butterfly fly to mind. Which I found slighly amusing considering he was already starting to mildly flirt with me and I have butterflies on one of my purses and was carrying it at the time.

    So, I thought I'd diffuse the flirtation by educating the person about something I wrote while in college on butterflies. How butterflies are in the habit of trying to mate with attractive cardboard cutouts instead of real butterflies, cardboard cutouts that are more colorful. The conclusion the researcher made was that this could be an evolutionary dynsfunctional byproduct and was subsequently passed on through the chain of evolution. Explaining why men were addicted to porn. and not focusing enough on real mates. I thought this might be a slight hint for my person, whispering in the person's ear to knock it the f off, like Count Lazlo's friend in the English Patient who talks to him about Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. But no. Didn't work. Just kept on trucking from there.

    During text messaging, he asked me for pictures of myself despite being on my Facebook page. Wanted to know what I looked like. So I sent him my Facebook profile picture which is me right out of high school. Hint. Look at my page, dude. Then I sent a newer picture of myself, headshot only, which clearly demonstrates the age difference. Kept on truckin.

    I tried everything, man. Hysterical gifs, resteering the conversation back to research, comedical cracks, you name it. I told him I'd gained a ton of weight. He asked where and if it was in my @$$. I said, no, I don't gain weight there which he said, "good". At one point, the person got very frustrated, exploded, and made the most laughable, jealous comment of the century that only a couple of people in my circle know about.

    It got so bad with comments, including the "don't tell your husband, but I'd totally bang you," that he said he was going to have to resort to his porn collection for the rest of the night because I'd turned him down so much.

    1. I am simply floored by all of this.

      Has he ever threatened you in any way?

    2. @nathan

      I've felt threatened. I'm more concerned about others. I closed my FB account down for awhile. One reason I've been posting anonymously.

      I would call them insinuations, mild. But I clearly understood them nonetheless.

      I will say there was some blame laying towards me. Said he misinterpreted my butterfly comments as an in to flirt with me. How does one arrive at this conclusion? Conflating mating with an image is dysfunctional then trying to splatter my incoming texts?

      He texted me a lot in the middle of the night, which I'm fine with because I'm a night owl. But he also thought the time of day signaled interest. I've had conversations with many people, male and female, during these times with zero problems. Including male researchers in the community. I also heard, "come on, you are flattered" that I'm acting this way. Sigh.

      I suppose I could own sending him an image of a book I was mailed when first starting to investigate the case, which was sent much further along in the conversations? But it clearly can be explained and is still under investigation on my end.

      Really, the behavior was just to compromise my integrity. Pure and simple. And I was being used for my research and potential inroads with others.

      To clarify, when I said "knowing of his Process contact," I should have said knowing of. Because I know more about this person following what happened due to accessing private and archived documents. At the time of his request for help, I was unaware of the gravity of the person he wanted help with. Nor the massive criminal allegations towards this person and his job responsibilities. In retrospect , I fine this request for help intimidating.

  17. @Nathan Again, I appreciate you making this blog post and bringing this to everyone's attention. For my own security due to the problems I've had, I am going to cease posting for awhile. I'll do what I can in order to help the group get some more answers for the behaviors. Unfortunately, I don't feel comfortable doing it at this point. I'll reach at to you iff and when I believe it is appropriate for all the parties involved.

  18. Anonymous lady, THANK YOU. You've given us enough detail to understand that the same approach and the same language is employed each time. Imagine that we (women) all put our correspondence with unnamed #1 side-by-side. I've had that opportunity. Some would be stunned how similar it is. Your testimony redoubles that. So many elements of your experience mirror mine, especially your logic as it was happening. There are women among us that still need that validation, and you have provided it. Many blessings!

    1. Good. Which was the motivating factor behind my posts. People need to know the overtures (how these men operate, drama aside). I'm NOT trying to cause more drama by adding details. What I want is these men to knock it off not not to victimize other women.

      Hope I've made my point abundantly clear.

    2. @abundantlyclear

      My #1 goal is for these freaks to get lost and stay lost. That's it.

      I hear what you're saying about the drama. There's enough already without this crap.


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