Thank You

I want to thank everyone who came forward to help identify and isolate some bad actors in the research community. 

I'm terribly sorry we even had to discuss it at all. It made me physically ill knowing people were suffering in silence.

Of course, being bad actors, these lowlife's actually tried to run an op through the comment sections!! Disgraceful, but I want to thank those guys too for staying true to their scumbag roots and confirming every last suspicion I had. 

Next up, we're going to focus more on glorifying Maury Terry, the greatest True Crime author since Truman Capote, and less on the human sewage who are out to destroy his legacy. 


  1. I'M HERE FOR IT! 💯

  2. @favoranon

    Yes, done, and thank you very much!!

  3. I’m still hearing from women whose names were completely unknown to me until they reached out. It couldn’t have happened without this blog. Thank YOU! — Parker

  4. Can I make a suggestion? Is there a group of people in the community that would be willing to take on the task of parsing out Maury Terry's documents into general summaries or an index? The sheer volume of pages is overwhelming and not all information can be readily recalled without sifting through each page. It isn't like a PDF document where you can put in keywords and pull up information, like his book.

    Or, at a bare minimum, find people who are familiar with specific pages, breaking it out, and creating a page where you can ask questions and refer people to the answers.

    For instance, I'm trying to remember something right now and don't know where to start. I swear I remember something in Maury Terry's notes about someone being killed on a roof but can't find it. Maybe I dreamed it. Who knows. I know it isn't a reference to the Cassara card, the "get well," supposedly falling from his roof. It is similar to the note where he claimed he killed a superintendent at a school, but the only superintendant death I can locate was following his incarceration.

    1. Great idea, thank you.

      I have been thinking along those lines myself because it would make my next project a little less tedious.

      I would caution against using any names of the living, however. I know the files are “out there”, but I don’t want to give anyone a reason to disable this blog.

    2. @ Nathan

      Agree based on the terms and conditions of Blogger. Maybe work on it as a project and provide it to some select people. I am not a proponent of providing source names, witness names, suspect names.

    3. Who did the killing on the roof? I don’t remember that. I did read most of the files.

    4. I have no idea. That is why I am asking. It is driving me crazy, because someone being killed on a roof was coming to me and I swear I read it. I'm going to have to dig through paperowkr, obviously.


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