“Let Me Haunt You With These Words”

Hi, everyone! Let's compare the infamous Son of Sam letters to other letters actually written by David Berkowitz.

At the moment I am reading Paul Santo Agostino's book, The Untold Truth of the Son of Sam. As I went over letters David wrote while stationed in Korea to his sweetheart back home, Iris, I noticed some pretty common spelling errors. 

From 1972 (page 154 of The Untold Truth):

"I have finally proven to them that I'm not going to play with there guns anymore."

"I wouldn't want you to meet my friends. There not very nice" 


Instead of "their guns", which would be the proper way to say it, David used "there". 

And again, "there" is used in place of "they're" in the second example.

I have no reason to believe these were not transcribed directly from the letters, misspellings and all, because next we have writing samples from David which were discovered post-arrest.  


And here we see David's first inclination is to spell "their" as "there". He has to correct the spelling twice. 

You see where I'm going with this. 

No correction, no hesitation, "their" is used correctly the first time around. 

At the moment, I am now on the fence as to whether or not the same hand penned both of the Son of Sam letters. There are passages of the Borelli letter that do resemble the writing found in the Breslin. But I honestly don't think David wrote either one. 

Whereas the author of the Borelli letter correctly used the word "too"...

... David was inclined to use "to" where "too" would be necessary. From page 157 of The Untold Truth:

"I'm just to anxious to see this great new world develop."

Thanks for reading! 

Thoughts, opinions and complaints are always welcome.




  1. This tracks well. Read the Carr-Rockman Probe document on page 26 conducted by CLI Michael Armienti interviewing Thomas T. and Darlene C. and Thomas vividly points out that John Carr's handwriting is a direct match to the Borelli Son of Sam letter. Tom is so confident of this that he firmly tells Armienti that he'd "...almost swear to it in court".


    — D2D

    1. Also, let's not forget, that Frances Carr would never produce a John Carr writing sample for Queens ADA, Herbert Leifer. At least we have no evidence that she ever did. In fact, in the Carr family interview, Frances refused to let Wheat show John's bootcamp letters to Leifer or even give Leifer a photo of John Carr.

  2. You’re joking right? Have you ever actually sat and read his apartment letters by any chance ?

  3. @ Nathan

    Can I give a blog name suggestion? "On Why Manny Grossman Should Get Back to Hosing His Local Gardens Instead of Hosing His Viewers on YouTube".


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