Quick Housekeeping Update

I'm going to be out of the loop for the next several days so I apologize for any unanswered questions.

I will keep an eye on comments and approve the one's worth approving as quickly as I can to facilitate communication between readers.

We have clearly identified a serious problem, one which I do not take lightly. 

It has traumatized people. 

I'm seeing calls for The Pervert and his Wingman (wingmen?) to be ejected from the "community." I couldn't agree more. 

What do you girls think about taking our concerns to the mods of some of these Facebook groups? Because that's where it all starts. 

I have identified a clear pattern of behavior, one that repeats over and over. Maury and the case are the bait, and it moves on from there. 


  1. I personally discussed my unnamed mans' and unnamed wingman(s) behaviors to one group adminisrator during and following the events. And the motivations I believed were behind it. This person will remain unnamed to protect privacy and because I also have concerns for the person. I have all the supporting documents.

    I'm honestly unclear if my person is the same person that others are complaining about, but they seem likely to be in the same circle and triangulating back to a specific common denominator.

    I'd like to know if any of the other victims had any problems following the occurence(s) with questionable text messages or emails from other sources. Likely in an effort to weird the person out and discourage them from continuing to research the case.

    At this point, I only interact with a few select people and not regularly.

    I think this is a prime example why law enforcement should have conducted a proper investigation years ago. When you get disgruntled citizen that take investigating these types of crimes on their own, the community is bound to be infiltrated with bad actors, fake accounts, vigilantism, etc.

    It sounds like you have a lot if women, Nathan. For now, I'm holding anymore details back because I personally feel like I've done my part to try to put a stop to the behavior. But, I might reconsider and post other details. All I'll give at this point are additional info on the three men I suspect are working as a team. And one other.

    1) My unnamed man age range is 35 to 45. He is younger than me.
    2) His wingman(s) ages are 35 to 45 and the other maybe 55 to 75.
    3) All three men were married at the time of the interactions. I cannot speak to their marital status now due to ceasing communication.
    4) One of the men has documented affliations with another man, one or both and have created numerous fake accounts, although these two men are not on one another's FB pages. One fake account maker in question has work ties to the criminal justice system. The fake account making is documented through one specific interaction and another suspected game playing episode.

    Like I said in another post, my problems extend well beyond the sexual advances that were rebuffed and they are the least of my concerns right now. My text history abd conversations with the person were rather comicial to get the person to take the hint and to knock it off. I'm more concerned about their connections, motivations, and the pattern of fracturing groups and relationships. Much information was found out after the sexual advances. The man admitted much of it made him look questionable and very bad.

    1. Ok- can I ask for a simple language summary of what is going on? I’m really confused. 🤔✌️Leash


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