I have questions for Manny's audience

If you believe David can be bought with Bibles and coloring books, what makes you think he wouldn't have a price for copping to the Savino shooting? 

And what happens later if he recants, citing "pressure"?

The "proof", as it stands, is shit, and we're going to get into that later because I found more holes in the story. But for now, think about what I asked and get back to me. 

If you can answer it like a grown-up, that is.  


  1. I think anyone shot in a car during the SOS rampage or a few months before that has gone unsolved probably thinks it was SOS. Who else would it be? People never got shot in cars before that in NYC. SMH.

    1. Ha!! Exactly. Berkowitz invented shooting people in cars? I don't think so.

  2. Berkowitz hasn't even copped to it according to the NY Post article.

    1. True. The post was part thought experiment, part reminder/preemptive strike.

      I want to point something out in the article:

      "The cop replied, 'But Dave, I didn’t tell you what caliber she was shot with. So how do you know she wasn’t shot with a .44?'”

      Dave has eyes and ears on the outside that keep him informed of everything. So the reader can keep thinking Dave got "tripped up" lol, but we all know better.

    2. Sounds like something right out of the interrogation scene in "My Cousin Vinny". 🙄

  3. So now the Times says he shot Savino. Savino says he drove off with two others I believe so that would mean no lone shooter and he did have a sit down with the wine maker Franzini if he takes the fall. What does he have to loose?

    1. Savino didn't see him leave. Other witnesses saw the shooter flee with two people.

  4. It’s a very dangerous thing that this is how the American “justice” system works… when a man is deemed “guilty” on a circumstantial comment + jumping to the conclusion that this is why a .44 caliber was used thereafter. — Not only is there zero evidence to support this, but the actual evidence shows otherwise. It’s all fun and games right now, but don’t forget: if a scenario like this is possible here, it further opens the door for such reachings and circumstantial non-evidence to find its way to ANYONE’S doorstep. And that is nothing to celebrate!

    1. To add to my earlier comment, it looks as though the case has not been closed, but that there has been a REQUEST to close the case. Even to request the case be closed based on this evidence is ludicrous.
      From the post article:
      "Berkowitz said he merely assumed she wasn’t shot with a .44-caliber Bulldog because the gun model is rare.
      Despite his denials, authorities believe there’s enough probable cause to directly connect Berkowitz to Savino’s shooting and request the case to be formally closed."

    2. Read this paragraph from the Post. This seems so strange to me. So Manny actually received files from the NYPD regarding the ACTUAL SoS case? I figured he just asked for the Savino files, but the actual SoS files? Wow. Interesting. If only the Queens DA in 1979 and Murphy and Mounts in 1996 were afforded such a luxury .
      "History wouldn’t have been rewritten if not for an eagle-eyed, Berkowitz-obsessed YouTuber named Manny Grossman, who requested all of the NYPD’s files on the “Son of Sam” investigation, and located the initial incident report about Savino’s shooting."
      I have not watched all of Manny Grossman's YouTube installments on this case, but I must say from what I did watch, he does present a very mysterious case. However, was it the eagle eye of Manny Grossman only who spotted similarities between the documented SoS shootings and the Savino shooting? It appears the retired Det. Mike Lorenzo also did some work on this case with Grossman. Why was Lorenzo not mentioned in the article?

  5. How did Grossman get the NYPD files on the Savino case so easily, when Detectives Murphy and Mounts couldn't get ANY NYPD SoS files from them for their 1996 investigation into the Son of Sam? Is Grossman a middleman? This is bonkers. So the police are closing the case based off of a composite sketch (which they pretty much discarded composite sketches in the actual SoS Case), the modus operandi, it happened close to where Berkowitz once lived, and that Berkowitz behaved irrationally days before the shooting. CLOSED the case. Are they serious? Plus, now they care when Berkowitz gets tripped up in a police interview when he has been tripped up several times before when being questioned by the cops or DA. For instance, during his initial confession, when a ADA asked him about observing Violante and Moskowitz when he was sitting on a park bench. Berkowitz confirmed this. Only problem is that the person Violante saw was leaning against the Beach House, not sitting on a park bench. Regarding the Voskerichian shooting, what about when Berkowitz stated that he said to Mr. Barlow, "Hi Mister" when Barlow said the person running by him after the shooting IN A WATCH CAP said, "Oh, Jesus" and then ran off? Grossman even quipped about this, "It's the same number of syllables." (Oh Jesus and Hi Mister, same # of syllables). Really? Good lord have mercy. Granted this and a few others not mentioned might be seen as trivial indications that Berkowitz was getting tripped up by the police, but how do we know that Berkowitz was not already familiar with the Savino case and that a .32 was used in that shooting? It is curious that Berkowitz's rebuttal was that he only used a .44, but if he has already confessed to all of the Son of Sam shootings, then why would he be so reluctant to just confess to the Savino shooting as well? Grossman and the police have done a good job of fingering Berkowitz as suspect, but to close the case based on the evidence they have is absolutely, positively, undeniably, ABSURD.

  6. I do have another question. How does this preclude any cult involvement? I have an answer too. It doesn't.

  7. Ok. Let's be realistic.

    David Berkowitz in prison. Prison wages are maybe .20 to .60 per hour. If working full-time, he'd make around $416 to $1248 per year.

    Inmates spend on the average $4000 per year through the commissary and elsewhere, including food because prison diets are inadequate and inedible. Then there are other expenses such as personal care products, writing supplies, legal fees.

    I don't believe David Berkowitz has ever made any money off of book deals. The SOS law was written quickly in order to avoid profiting off of crimes and wasn't overturned by the Supreme Court until after Maury Terry completed his first book. They overturned it because they said the law would have prevented books like Malcolm X from being written. It was overturned due to Henry Hill.

    Now, he can make a max of $10k annually on book deals. Anything above and beyond goes to victims.

    When he wrote Son if Hope, 100% of the proceeds went to victims. Caparelli's book proceeds all go to charity. Has he ever profited off of a book? Victims should know because they'd receive notification from the Department of Corrections if these proceeds landed in his account. Because it allows the victim time to file paperwork for a claim.

    At one point, a friend of his gave him $20k. He donated the money to charity and gave $1000 to Neysa Moscowitz. This doesn't sound much like a person who can be bought off.

    I've seen some pretty bad arguments out there, including saying David Berkowitz could have afforded his typewriter. And fussing about Maury Terry buying him crayons for mapping. It is reasonable for him to have purchased items for him that would advance collecting information from him.

    I think it is fairly reasonable to conclude David Berkowitz hasn't been paid off to provide information and won't in the foreseeable future.

  8. How did Grossman get the files so easily when others couldn't? I think the answer is fairly transparent: Grossman breached the NDA agreement immediately and leaked documents. I've been told he leaked documents to compromised NYPD officers.

    Grossman couldn't care less about the safety of source names, witness names, suspect names, or David Berkowitz. I'm personally in contact with a source up north that has details about the cult. Needless to say this person is not happy about their identity potentially being revealed. I'm also in contact with another individual who has friends names as associates listed in the files. This person is also very unhappy about these documents being leaked.

    Unbelievable. Grossman has no background in criminal justice and is not qualified to make the assumption that everything is phony and he can just toss names out there. His actions also place those in the files at risk for vigilantism. I really dint know how he can look at himself in the mirror or sleep at night.


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