
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I personally hope the Wendy Savino story gets bigger and bigger. Nation wide. Because this blog will play a part in popping the bubble.

Unless he can bribe David to take the fall for this one too, which is not outside the realm of possibility. According to Manny, David can definitely be pressured. And we've all read David's file. ;)

Meanwhile, I’m watching his “Fact from Fiction” video at the moment and I can’t wait to rip it apart.

For example: does Manny not know where cheek bones are located? Check it out starting at 17:05, he starts literally pointing to David's actual cheeks to make his point. 

 "Yep, his cheek bones go in more."

I laughed so hard. Those are David's CHEEKS, shitwolf. 

Gotta love it.

