
If you have a question for me, please ASK ME. 

I cannot tell you how grateful I am that some of our readers take it upon themselves to share this blog. But they did not write it so please do not ask them to answer for it. That is not fair.  


We all need parameters. Me, you, Maury...rules. A polite society requires rules. 

Here's an example of what won't cut it, rule-wise, LOL. See if you can spot the MASSIVE lie:


  1. You mean besides "Mannys only after the truth"? LOL What a disinfo clown show he is running. Keep dismantling his narrative. You are doing great work.

    1. LOL

      You are too kind. Thank you for your continued support.

      If that's what the people want then we will stay on that particular track. But I do genuinely find Maury's files to be fascinating so there will be more of that as well.

  2. I think I’m in the wrong place but Manny has his definition of bullshit in Chinese wrong proving once again, he does no research. Our Living Language Hoosegow is an old slang synonym for jail with a flavor of the American West: They threw him in the hoosegow for being drunk and disorderly


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