
I have gone back and forth over the most effective way to present my findings from the "Billy the Artist" series of videos, hence the delay.

I'll be completely honest: things like pointing out the moments of Mr. Grossman's high levels of denial, as a for instance, almost make it feel like I would be propping Manny up for ridicule and that is not the point of this project. 

There are other instances where I don't think he really understands what he has or what to do with it. 

Other times, things slip...

And then it struck me: this all goes back to the heart of my second post where I called out everyone in the so-called "Son of Sam community" for letting Manny get away with making trouble for so long. I think I understand now. After spending time looking at the world through his eyes you reach a point where you begin to wonder if he's even worth the effort.

Yes he is. That's how he's been able to get this far, by people second-guessing themselves and letting him off the hook.


I will admit to feeling worried about falling behind on the Billy series. But in the end I’m glad Manny has produced so many videos in such a short period of time because we can cross-reference all of them to see what holds up and what does not. So far, this has been a lot of fun.

Please be patient and I'll have it all up as soon as I can. In the meantime, NEVER forget:
