
Again, I want to thank the AMAZING Dana (rottingjewels) for promoting this project, this time on her "Tea Time" live stream. She has gone out of her way to help spread the word and I am extremely grateful. Extremely grateful.

I want to thank everyone who has taken time out of their day or night to read and comment.

The impression I get is that Manny would like to keep the focus on his “Billy the Artist” interview. Could this be due to what else I might find in the famous “Brooklyn Series”? Possibly. I could spend a lot of time on episode 5 alone.

I’ve got - what’s the number - 200 videos, 180 videos, 180 hours of footage to sort through, going back to the earliest days of the show? I’m in no hurry. I’ll circle back around to “Billy” soon enough.

In the meantime, may I remind everyone that this is not the first time Manny has taken advantage of someone who appears to be living in reduced circumstances. Today it’s former (?) drug addict and admitted liar “Billy”, a year or two ago it was a homeless man that Manny unmasked after promising to keep his identity a secret.

Be well, everyone.

Dana, stay strong, my friend.


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