About Manny's Obsession With the Yellow VW

Maybe there's more to it than we know?

But how many times is he going to post the same gif? 

This is who the "No Process No Way" crowd are pinning their hopes on. 

Just makes my job easier.


  1. I don’t get what a picture of a man in bed has to do with anything.

    1. As far as I can tell it's a reaction .gif of a naked man yelling, "b*tch are you for real?" and he has now posted it six times in a row.

      Mr. Grossman has also concocted a series of fantasy scenarios involving a strawman Terry Head/Dave McGowan fan. But is the implication that he just had sex with this fantasy person? Or is about to?

      Regardless, this is clearly the most pathetic demoralization campaign in the history of social media.

    2. He always has something sexual to say but yet claims other men want him sexually. His constant comments about the fantasy circle jerks he has in his head. It’s childish-but I give him credit for knowing there are no woman who want him.

    3. Astute observation.

      As I watched the "famous Brooklyn series" I couldn't help but notice where Mr. Grossman's mind went to when speculating about what people, MEN SPECIFICALLY, were up to in the park that night.


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